Day with Jay 🦅

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Yeri POV
I was woken up to someone shaking me lightly "wakey wakey darling~" I opened my eyes slowly to see Jay smiling sweetly "morning gorgeous" I hid my face under the duvet as he chuckled "come out darling~" he jumped in the bed making me giggle.

"No go away" he chuckled and hugged my body "ANDWEAAAAA" I was giggling kicking my legs around as he made me stand "how dare you Mr Park" I pouted with my hair going crazy.

He chuckled and fixed my hair "my dearest apologies Miss Kim now get fukin ready" I nodded with a smile as he left me alone to get changed.........

Based on what I saw Jay wearing I thought it'd be appropriate, I waddled downstairs to find Jay in the kitchen "come eat, I made breakfast" my eyes glowed at the stacked pancakes

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Based on what I saw Jay wearing I thought it'd be appropriate, I waddled downstairs to find Jay in the kitchen "come eat, I made breakfast" my eyes glowed at the stacked pancakes.

I took a bite and closed my eyes in delight "you really are the best chef JayJay" he chuckled and watched me eat "a-aren't you going to eat?" He shook his head "I'm already full with watching your beauty enjoying herself" I rolled my eyes "gosh soo cheesy" he chuckled still watching me.

I finished up and I watched as Jay did the dishes and noticed how hot he looked, feeling my cheeks heat up as I watched him "why you blushing darling?" I shook my head hiding it "am not, your seeing things" I jumped off the counter as he chuckled walking us to his car...........

"Okay hot car but honestly yall need to lighten up with the colours, why soo dark?" he chuckled and rolled his eyes "dark guys need dark cars" I scoffed "awh no way my sweet baby JayJay is dark" I pinched his cheeks teasingly "release me before I ...

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"Okay hot car but honestly yall need to lighten up with the colours, why soo dark?" he chuckled and rolled his eyes "dark guys need dark cars" I scoffed "awh no way my sweet baby JayJay is dark" I pinched his cheeks teasingly "release me before I kiss you" I pulled back shocked but kinda regret it, I mean who am I to turn down a kiss from this hottie.

We arrived at this fancy ass mall "shopping?" He nodded as we got out the car "I'm your sugar daddy today" my eyes widened as I slapped his arm "soo shameless gosh" he chuckled as he intertwined our fingers kissing the back of my hand "only for you darling" now how am I supposed to react to that.

I looked around intimidated seeing all these rich bitches walking around, I clung onto Jay shyly earning a chuckle from him "you okay Yers?" I nodded shyly as he looked down at me with a wide smile.

He squeezed my hand "you belong here, with me" I felt my body relax as I smiled at him snuggling up in his arm "let's go in here" I nodded as he walked us to a shop.

It was a jewellery store and honestly I looked like a lost puppy, Jay looked around with his brows furrowed concentrated making him look HAWT AS SHIT.

He called for one of the workers and god he deffo belonged here I mean his whole rich guy vibe was hot "excuse me Miss can you get this out, I want my girlfriend try it on" my eyes widened HE ADDRESED ME AS HIS GIRLFRIEND AHSBHSHHSHAHJAH.

The lady nodded and smiled bringing us to a private room to wait as she got whatever the fuk Jay wanted to look at but I didn't care as all I could think about was what just happened "what you thinking about darling?" He looked at me curious as I looked down shyly.

"Awh come on tell me~" I nodded red in the face "just you um addressed me as your um girlfriend" I heard him chuckle as I looked down at the floor that seems to suddenly become interesting.

He tilted my chin to look at him "well I hope one day I can address you as such without you questioning it hm?" I nodded taken aback WAIT HUH.

The lady came back with a blue fancy ass box in her hand "here is what you asked for sir" she opened the box revealing this gorgeous necklace with matching earrings........

She handed it to me making me trace my fingers over the beautiful jewellery "wow" I looked up at Jay who was smiling widely "try it on" I looked at the lady unsure but she just smiled sweetly

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She handed it to me making me trace my fingers over the beautiful jewellery "wow" I looked up at Jay who was smiling widely "try it on" I looked at the lady unsure but she just smiled sweetly.

I looked at Jay "c-can you um" he smiled and nodded as I turned and pulled my hair aside so he could place the sparkling object on my neck, I felt his warm fingers brush my skin making me feel goosebumps.

I put the earnings on and Jay smiled "you look gorgeous darling" I looked down shyly and mumbled "t-thanks" he chuckled and held my hand "miss what do you think?" I looked at the lady waiting.

She smiled sweetly and put her hands together "you look stunning ma'am" I smiled to myself shyly when Jay spoke up while his hand was still rested in mine "we'll take it" the lady nodded as I took off the earrings.

"Perfect, it's 1 million I'll get it ready and you can pay at the till" my eyes widened as big as the fukin sky "that's fine" the lady nodded as I put the jewellery in the box "Jay!" He looked at me waiting "yes darling?" I waited for the lady to leave.

I smacked his arm "owh?" I rolled my eyes "that's too expensive, you can't get it!" He chuckled and shook his head "it looks gorgeous on you and anything that expresses your beauty more than you already do I won't hesitate to get" oh no no no.

"Omg Jay you can't waste that money on something sooo......material" he chuckled and shook his head "it's a present and you can't say no to that" I was about to argue back but kept silent "fine but that's one expensive ass gift" he chuckled and nodded as we walked out to pay for that over priced shit.

We met the lady at the till and Jay pulled out a black card BLACK CARD, my eyes widened as I looked at him to see him unfazed "Jay!" He looked at me "hm?" I looked between him and the card "you know what I'm not even gonna say anything" I give up.

"Done, I hope you enjoy your gift ma'am" I smiled to the lady and thanked her "here thanks for being soo welcoming and polite to me and my girl" aish his girl.

He handed the nice lady £1000 and walked off, I leaned on his shoulder as we walked around "where to now my rich boyfie?" He chuckled and looked down at me "someone confident?" I shrugged when he suddenly stopped me.

"Wae?" He smiled softly and pulled out the necklace turning me around to place it on my neck, he turned me around and looked at me "perfect" I giggled as he also placed the earrings on before pecking my forehead.

We shopped for another few hours before heading home, on the ride back we sat in a calming silence hand in hand relaxing. I really was treated like a princess today.


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