Day with Niki 🐣

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Yeri POV
I woke up to someone shaking me frantically "WAKE UP WAKE UP~" I opened my eyes to see a cute Nishimura smiling cheekily "YAH" I pushed him so his butt landed on the floor.

"Owh my ass" he rubbed his ass as he stood "that's what you get for waking someone up like a donkey" he stuck his tongue out as I shook my head at his childish behaviour "well gtf up todays our date day" oh shit yeah.

I smiled and nodded "where we going?" he put his fingers on his lips "just trust me" aish this kid oh well "be down in ten minutes" I nodded as he walked out letting me get ready.......

I put on some cutesy makeup and waddled down to meet up with Niki at the front door "I'm here~" he looked at me with a small smile before ruffling my hair "you look cute shorty" I blushed slightly before walking out

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I put on some cutesy makeup and waddled down to meet up with Niki at the front door "I'm here~" he looked at me with a small smile before ruffling my hair "you look cute shorty" I blushed slightly before walking out.

I looked at him confused as we walked towards the garage "Niki what's behind your back?" He grinned cutely "I got you something" he pulled something out his back and my eyes sparkled......

I grabbed the drink excitedly "OMG THANKS NIKS ITS SOOO CUTE" he chuckled shyly while he scratched his nape "I thought you'd like it so yk" I smiled at his cuteness and hugged him "thanks Niks" he chuckled and hugged me back

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I grabbed the drink excitedly "OMG THANKS NIKS ITS SOOO CUTE" he chuckled shyly while he scratched his nape "I thought you'd like it so yk" I smiled at his cuteness and hugged him "thanks Niks" he chuckled and hugged me back.

He looked down at me while we were still hugging and pecked my nose "should we go?" I nodded as he picked up my hand and intertwined our fingers.

We walked to the garage as I sipped my drink "want some?" He nodded as he leaned down and took a sip of my drink "it's too sweet" his face screwed making me giggle.

He led me towards his car "here" I looked around and furrowed my brows "Niki don't you drive?" He chuckled and pulled out his keys as his vehicle blinked........

"Woah" I walked up to it and traced my fingers over the shiny machine "like it?" I nodded with a smile as he chuckled "good because your the only girl who will ever ride it" I felt my cheeks heat up as he grinned cheekily

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"Woah" I walked up to it and traced my fingers over the shiny machine "like it?" I nodded with a smile as he chuckled "good because your the only girl who will ever ride it" I felt my cheeks heat up as he grinned cheekily.

He got on the bike and handed me a helmet making me look at him confused "get on idiot" my eyes widened "ain't no way I'm going on that" he shook his head and chuckled "it's not scary trust me, your gonna be holding onto me the whole time" and now I kinda wanna do it just to hold him heh.

I was hesitant but I got on the bike as we both put our helmets on "ready?" I nodded as I sat waiting awkwardly "tsk" he pulled my arms and wrapped them around his waist catching me off guard.

He revved the bike before he started driving making me let out a yelp while he chuckled, he sped up making me tighten my grip around his waist and lean my head on his back kinda scared.

After a while I got used to the speed and relaxed as my hair flew in the wind, after a ten minute ride we arrived outside "zoo?" He nodded as he grabbed my hand and ran to the front desk.

He payed for us and we walked in "you said you love animals so I thought why not go to the zoo?" I smiled at his thoughtfulness and squeezed his hand "thank Niks" he smiled sweetly and ruffled my hair "anything for you shorty" I giggled as we walked hand in hand admiring the cute animals.

"Omg Yeri I didn't know you lived here" I turned to the boy confused but then deadpanned him as he pointed at a gorilla "haha very funny donkey face" he rolled his eyes and THREW ME OVER HIS SHOULDER.

I punched his back "PUT.ME.DOWN" people started staring at as making me turn red from embarrassment "not until you call me handsome" omg this cocky kid.

I rolled my eyes but gave in "fine I apologise my dear handsome Nishimura now will you please put me down?" he put me down and smiled satisfied "that's more like it" I stuck my tongue out at him and ran ahead as he followed behind laughing.

He eventually caught up to me and picked me up spinning me around in his arms "yah-" I was in a fit of laughter as he carefully put me down still laughing, we both stopped laughing and stared at each other.

His eyes flickered from my eyes to my lips as his hand reached up to caress my cheek "may I?" I nodded without second thought as he leaned in and pressed his soft lips against mine. Niki kissed me.

I closed my eyes as I melted in his arms, his warm hand on my cheek sent pleasurable shivers down my spine as he pushed his lips harder on mine.

We pulled away to catch our breath "your fukin perfect Yers" I giggled as I looked at him with a grin "your not bad yourself" he let out a laugh as he interlocked our fingers and led us out the park. Today was perfect.


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