Should've been me ☹️

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Heeseung POV
I woke up feeling groggy from last night, that Mia bitch took forever to burn ffs "fuk" I rubbed my head before walking  down still in my pjs for breakfast.

"Morning" Jay smiled while cooking breakfast "I'm making Yeris fav" I smiled softly patting his back "I'd offer to help but I'm fukin useless in the kitchen" he chuckled agreeing as I began to set the table.

The other boys slowly filled the dinning room table as Jay placed the stack of pancakes in the centre of the table "wheres Yeri?" Sunoo furrowed his brows when I noticed Jake and Sunghoon sharing a weird look. Gay.

"She's prolly sleeping still" Jake smiled uncomfortable as Sunghoon nodded agreeing "let her sleep in, yesterday was exhausting for her" I hmed at the youngest feeling my heart soften for our poor baby.

"Morning" the tiny girl walked in smiling and.....limping? I furrowed my brows "Yers you okay?" Jungwon pecked her cheek as she sat next to him nodding "yeah I just fell in the shower" somethings off.

While eating breakfast I noticed Jake Sunghoon and Yeri sharing weird looks with each other "okay what's going on?" I looked up putting my cutlery down as all the youngsters looked at me.

"W-what?" Sunghoon eyes screamed anxiety "you three" I pointed to the three in question "why are you being weird?" They looked to each other when Yeri spoke up "we um we did something last night" all eyes now moved to her.

"Yeri you don't need to say anything" she shook her head at Jake "it's wrong to not tell them, your all my boyfriends" my brows knitted furiously waiting for her confession "me Jake and Sunghoon we.........we did some sexual stuff last night" shit.

Everyone's eyes widened except the three victims, I felt the rage bubble within me "sexual stuff?!? You had sex?!?" I stood up anger emitting off me "our first time with her should been all of us TOGETHER!?!!" I glared at the two boys who were looking down guilty.

"Heeseung it wasn't sex" the precious girl mumbled making me calm down somewhat "then what was it princess?" I spoke in a softer tone "I don't wanna say" her face turned red as I sighed nodding "that's fine love."

I looked to the two boys "you two, I don't wanna see you anywhere near her" their mouths dropped "hyung-" "no! You've proven that your not responsible enough to be around her, Jungwon your in charge of making sure they don't near her until I say anything otherwise, I'm going to my office" I huffed storming out.

Yeri POV
After breakfast Jungwon took me to his room to cuddle n watch kdramas with Sunoo joining us "should I talk to hee?" I looked up at Jungwon and Sunoo who had me trapped between the two snuggling.

Sunoo pecked my nose "if you want to baby, don't pressure yourself into doing something your not comfortable with" I hmed as Jungwon brushed my hair out of my face "I think I'd be good if you talked to him about it" I nodded wiggling out.

"I'll see you guys later" I pecked their lips before walking out only to meet Jake staring at me "Yer-" "no, I'm going to talk to hee maybe he'll let us talk after?" I smiled softly as he nodded with a small saddened smile.

I knocked on the door to Heeseungs office "hee?" He hmed letting me in as I smiled seeing him with his glasses on sitting in his chair working "what is it love?" He looked up with tired eyes making me smile softly. He'd been crying.

I waddled over to him sitting on his lap making him chuckle "how's monkey?" I shrugged "he's fine, ruining my teddies but whatever" he chuckled pulling me into his chest "hee did you cry?"

He smiled softly nodding slowly as I pouted slapping his chest lightly "come to me when you wanna cry, I don't want you to be alone when your sad" he chuckled nodding "okay princess" he pressed a kiss to my cheek.

"Anyways hee I wanted to talk about this morning" "Yeri it's fine-" "I'm not done talking" he went silent surprised by my stern tone "I understand how you felt but you can't blame Jakey and hoon, they're my boyfriends as well and I let them touch me."

I looked into his eyes caressing his cheek "we didn't go all the way cuz I thought you may react like this, we can all still have our first together" he smiled softly nodding as he teared up.

I pulled his face into my chest stroking his soft fluffy hair "speak to me hee" he whimpered softly "ik I wasn't the best guy when I was a teen but now I'm in love with you and I don't plan on messing around so I was really hurt when I found out what was supposed to be my first time making love to the only woman I've ever love was taken away" awh he's a softy.

I pecked the top of his head "I understand hee, we didn't go all the way I obviously also want my first time to be with you guys" they need to think I'm a virgin. They can't know the truth.

He hmed looking up at me with teary eyes as I wiped the fallen tears with a soft smile "let's go talk to the others hm?" He nodded picking me up "let's go princess" I giggled as he carried me out the room.


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