Save you love 💕

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Yeri POV
It's been a week since I was dragged away from my boys and K's a bit different but when he says something there's no use in arguing unless I wanna fall asleep in tears, he refuses to let me out the house of the odd chance I get spotted by one of my boys and 'stolen' away from him 'again'.

I missed my boys, I'm praying Niki is okay, I know there's no way of getting home again so I have accept my fate with my best friends devil brother.

"Babe, come sit" I nodded obediently sitting on his lap on the sofa, it's become a thing that I'm not allowed to sit anywhere but his lap when he's around.

He stroked my hair pecking my neck "how's Chae?" I froze at the mention of his sister who despised him "she's okay" he nodded "she hates me doesn't she? Her older brother the rapist" he chuckled in a scary way.

"Y-you okay K-Koga?" He nodded shrugging "why wouldn't I be?" I bit my lip "I mean my little sister hates me but it's fine, as long as you don't" he pecked my lips as I bit my tongue back from gagging in disgust knowing it would end horrible.

"I was thinking, why don't we move to America? It'll be better for the baby's education and we won't have to worry about those idiots trying to find you" my body tensed as I slowly shook my head.

"Awh why babe? It'd be fun, I've already got our plane ready" my eyes widened "w-when would we leave?" His grin grew "now" I shook my head "my passport-" "my private jet babe" fuk me.

I placed my hand on my stomach "the baby?" He shrugged "doctor said it's fine" there was no way I was getting outta this "I don't wanna got Koga" he raised a brow.

"Excuse you?" I bit my lip nervous "I'd rather stay here and raise my child-" "our!" He glared at me making me nod not by choice "our child to be raised around her/his culture yk?" He scoffed "we're going today whether you like it or not, Fuma get her in the van" he walked out leaving me stressed.

"Yeri-shi?" I nodded standing up as Fuma took me to the van "Fuma will come with us" I nodded as my 'boyfriend' pulled out his phone ignoring my existence.

Fuma held my hand squeezing it "everything will work out, trust me" I nodded smiling warmly, he was always like a brother to me "we're here!" I nodded following K out when we froze "gtf away from our girl" Yang mf Jungwon.

My heart rate increased as I looked back at Fuma who nodded "y-you?" He nodded "he was never gonna be right for you, he'd hurt you" I hugged him "thank you soo much Fuma" he chuckled hugging back.

"You did this!?!?" K glared at Fuma disgusted as all guns were aimed at him "you hurt her enough, she was just a kid!" Fuma shook his head at K "you will never change, these boys care for her in a way you could never understand."

Heeseung pat Fumas backs "thanks bro" Fuma nodded before allowing Heeseung to wrap his arms around me "I fukin missed you princess" and with that all my boys gathered around hugging me.

"N-Niki?" I looked up to see the youngest boy smiling at me toothily "hey shorty" I looked at the bandage across his chest "you bitch" I punched his arm as he chuckled hugging me.

I started to cry in his arms "you fukin scared me!" he stroked my hair pecking the top of my head "I'm sorry love" I looked up at him pouting "you better be" the boys chuckled.

"Boss what should we do with him?" The boys turned to see their men holding a pissed K "Fuma knows" Heeseung and Fuma shared a knowing look "THIS ISNT OVER, ILL GET YOU BACK YERI!?" I rolled my eyes holding Sunoo and Jays hands walking to the limo.

"Let's go home" they nodded as I snuggled in Sunghoons arms "I missed you guys" Jake pecked my nose "we missed you too sweetie, don't scare us like that again" I smiled warmly "never."


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