Just us 👉👈

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Yeri POV
I was scrolling through tiktok on my phone when I saw a head peeking into my room, I smile spread on my lips "you can come in hee" he smiled shyly and scurried to sit next to me on the bed.

"Hey hee watcha doin here?" He smiled and looked down fiddling with his fingers "I um thought maybe I could take you out today yk just some me and you time?" I smiled at his cuteness and held his hands "I'd love that hee" he smiled and jumped up.

"We'll leave in ten" I nodded as he walked out giddy "aigoo what a cutie" I stood up and walked to my closet to pick something for my day with hee baby...........

"We'll leave in ten" I nodded as he walked out giddy "aigoo what a cutie" I stood up and walked to my closet to pick something for my day with hee baby

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I walked downstairs to find Heeseung waiting for me in a brown jacket "what a coincidence?" He wiggled his brows making me giggle and run up to him.

"Should we go?" I nodded as he held my hand and walked us to the garage "do you all have fancy ass cars?" He looked at me and chuckled "why? You like the idea of a sugar daddy?" My eyes widened as I punched his arm "shut up Mr flirty" he chuckled before we stood in front of this car..........

"Should we go?" I nodded as he held my hand and walked us to the garage "do you all have fancy ass cars?" He looked at me and chuckled "why? You like the idea of a sugar daddy?" My eyes widened as I punched his arm "shut up Mr flirty" he chuckled ...

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"Oooh so your a purple boy?" He rolled my eyes "get in" I giggled as I jumped in "so where we goin?" He put a finger on his lips "surprise" fuk these boys and their surprises 😒.

I waited for him to start the car when he reached over to me inches away from my face and put a cloth over my eyes? "Heeseung what you doin?" I was giggling as he tied it "it's a surprise" aish.

I talked to him blindfolded on the way feeling very lost without being able to see but it was somewhat relaxing "we're here" I reached to take off the cloth but he stopped me "not yet" I pouted "when then?~" he chuckled and helped me out the car.

He intertwined our fingers as I felt a tingle in my fingers at his warm hands, we walked for around five minutes before we stopped and he walked behind me to take off the blindfold.

As soon as the cloth was removed my body froze at the gorgeous sight "wow Heeseung........

"You like it?" I looked at him with a huge grin "Heeseung its gorgeous, I love it" he smiled and dragged me inside, I looked around in awe "you told me you used to go to the beach with your brothers when you were younger so" he smiled shyly making...

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"You like it?" I looked at him with a huge grin "Heeseung its gorgeous, I love it" he smiled and dragged me inside, I looked around in awe "you told me you used to go to the beach with your brothers when you were younger so" he smiled shyly making my heart melt.

I sat down as he picked up a bottle of wine, he filled two cups and handed me one and as soon as the liquid hit my lips my stomach melted "omg this tastes like heaven" he chuckled and drank some himself "it's the best in France, I got just for us" I smiled at his sweetness and looked over at the sunset.

My eyes sparkled as I watched the beautiful sight "I wanted to watch such a beauty with the most beautiful woman in the world" I looked up at him and blushed, he really was perfect.

I looked out the glass at the sunset when he suddenly rested my head on his shoulder "relax" I smiled and got comfortable as we both watched the gold globe wash under the sea "thank you Heeseung this really means a lot to me" he looked down at me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head "anything for my favourite girl."


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