Bitch 🔪

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Yeri POV
I woke up to someone shaking me gently "sweetie?" I opened my eyes slowly to see Jake smiling sweetly at me "oh hey Jakey-" he wrapped his arms around me "I'm soo soo sorry love" I relaxed hugging him back.

I stroked his back "it's okay Jakey, you didn't know" he pulled away aggressively running his finger through his hair "but I should've! I fukin should've!?" I smiled softly standing holding his hands as he calmed staring at me.

My hand moved to his cheek as he looked at me tearing up "I-it's my fault s-she did that" I shook my head smiling "it's not your fault, she's a bitch how were you supposed to know? But what matters now is that you mister never ever leave me" he chuckled nodding "never" I giggled as he leaned down and pecked my lips softly.

He licked over my bottom lip mumbling "I love you sweets" I giggled as we pulled away "so what's the plan?" He sighed sitting us down on the bed "she's coming soon and we need you to distract her so we can catch her in the act, can you do that for us love? I understand if you don't wanna I don't even want you-" I pressed my finger on his lips.

"I'll do it" he sighed before holding my hands pressing his puffy lips on my knuckles "you sure sweetie?" I nodded "let's get this hoe" he chuckled nodding "okay sweets, be careful tho?" I nodded before he held my head pressing a soft kiss to my forehead and leaving.

20 minutes later someone knocked on my door making me roll my eyes "I'm here cutie~" I gagged at the perverted woman opening the door "hey gorgeous" she pushed me in hastily closing the door before forcing herself on me.

"The boys told me they were gonna be out today so guess what we're gonna do?" My heart dropped at her psychotic eyes "p-please M-Mia-" she harshly grabbed my wrists squeezing them as I winced "don't disobey me pretty or I'll have to punish you and we don't want that hm baby?" She pouted disgustingly.

She pushed me towards the bed before throwing me on there "M-Mia no please-" she chuckled "don't say no to me baby or it'll get worse" she jumped on top of me ripping off my top as I covered myself uncomfortable.

She attached her lips with my neck "HELP HELP!?!" She pulled away laughing crazy "awh the boys aren't home to save you cutie but nice try" I whimpered under her as she tried to reattached her lips when the door swung open "don't fukin touch her!?!?"

She jumped off of me staring at the boys "y-your not supposed to be home?!" Heeseung chuckled "stupid bitch" he nodded his head towards Jay and Sunghoon who stormed over to the slag dragging her away "YERI MY LOVE SAVE ME?!?!" I cringed as she was dragged away with the older boys and Niki.

I was left with Sunoo and Jungwon who were hugging me on either side of me "shh we're here baby" Sunoo kissed the top of my head rubbing my back soothingly.

Jungwon lay me on the bed holding me in his arms before pecking my neck and snuggling his face in "your safe now Jagiya" I snuggled up to the two falling asleep in their arms safe.


Niki POV
Sunghoon hyung and Jay hyung threw the fuker on a chair strapping her there "you can't keep me away from her, she LOVES ME!!!!!!!" I chuckled. She's actually stupid.

Heeseung hyung pulled out his box of knives "which one should I use on this hoe?!" He tapped his chin teasingly before picking up the biggest dagger.

He turned to the bitch walking over to her with a huge grin on his face "you shouldn't have touched our girl" he dragged the dagger across her cheek as blood seeped out.

"FUK!!!" She screamed as I chuckled picking up a gun "that's not even the painful part" I shot her leg before stepping on it "ARGHHJH!!!!" I smirked leaning down "dumb fukin slut" I stepped back letting the Parks have their turn.

Jay hyung picked up an axe "these filthy hands touched our girl" he chopped one hand off "this one fukin held our girl" Sunghoon chopped off the other hand.

Jake hyung stepped forward with the most psychotic grin on his face "you really thought you could fuk our girl? You thought she'd love you?" He started cackling picking up his gun "no fukin way."

He shot under her heart causing blood to spit out her mouth "your fukin evil, she loves me not you" Heeseung hyung scoffed "should we test that out?" The bitch grinned nodding.

Hyung picked up the phone calling Sunoo "bring her down" he hung up throwing the phone to the side, soon enough our precious girl walked in with Jungwon hugging her whispering sweet nothings to her.

Sunghoon hyung walked up to our girl pecking her cheek "can you tell us angel who you love?" She looked up nodding "I love you guys" he stroked her arms lovingly "say our names angel."

She nodded looking straight into Mias eyes "I love Lee Heeseung, Park Jongsong, Sim Jaehyun, Park Sunghoon, Kim Sunoo, Yang Jungwon and Nishimura Riki definitely not you Mia."

I smiled softly hugged her making her face away from the gruesome scene, I stroked her cheek with a soft smile "you did great shorty" she giggled as I put my hands of her ears before Jake hyung shot the fuker straight in the middle of her fat ass forehead. We will never leave her side now.


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