Day with Sunghoon 🐧

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Yeri POV
I saw Sunghoon washing the dishes in the kitchen so I decided to sneak up on him "hoonie~" I wrapped my arms around him gaining a chuckle from him.

He dried his hands and turned and hugged me back "ready?" I looked at him done "do I look ready?" He shrugged "you look pretty in anything how would I know?" I rolled my eyes at his attempt to be flirty "gimme ten" he nodded and pecked the top of my head before letting me go.........

He dried his hands and turned and hugged me back "ready?" I looked at him done "do I look ready?" He shrugged "you look pretty in anything how would I know?" I rolled my eyes at his attempt to be flirty "gimme ten" he nodded and pecked the top of ...

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I waddled to the front door to find Sunghoon fixing his tie "well don't you look handsome?" I smiled as he turned around smiling cutely "don't you wanna dress warmer angel?" I tilted my head "but I like this" I pouted as he chuckled and gripped my waist gently.

He looked down at me with a cute smile melting my heart "you look stunning angel but it's gonna be a bit chilly where we're going" I shrugged "style over warmth" he shrugged "I'll be here to take care of you when you get ill" I rolled my eyes as we stepped out.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched him drive soo concentrated it made my heart do flips, I was definitely the most attached to Sunghoon even tho we started off rough he's become my favourite.

"So Sunoo was telling me about his sister yesterday, do you have any siblings?" He smiled and nodded "little Yeji she's 16" my eyes widened "6 year age gap?! YOUR SOO OLD" he deadpanned as I giggled shyly.

"Anyways I bet she'd love to meet you" my eyes glistened at the idea "I always wanted a little sister" he chuckled and pat my head "aish soo cute angel" I felt my face turn bright red as I suppressed a smile.

He parked up and my eyes widened "ICE SKATING?!" he nodded as we got out the car "Sunghoon I'm shit at skating~" he chuckled and held my hand "you can't be THAT bad" I shook my head frantic "no no no I will land on my ass" I pouted as we walked in.

"Well that's fine, I'll be there to pick you back up" I rolled my eyes "not the time to flirt Park" he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist "it'll be fun, trust me" I looked up at him hesitant but whatever.

We got our skates and sat putting them on "fuk this shit" I gave up as I couldn't tie the skates "having trouble there?" I rolled my eyes at his cocky ass voice.

He got on his knees and did my laces, I stared at him in awe as his brows squinted while he focused soo cute EISH "ik I'm handsome don't need to stare tho" he looked up and lifted my chin "I'm all yours angel" AICK MY HEARTEU.

"S-shut up" I looked down flustered as I tried to stand but failed "hold my hand" I looked up uneasy but held his hand nonetheless as he guided us to the ice.

I stepped on the ice and immediately grabbed the side eliciting a laugh from Sunghoon "fuk off" I glared as he stepped on the ice and started skating like some pro.

My mouth dropped as I watched him skate around the whole rink and return to me with a raised brow "hoon what.the actual.fuk" he chuckled "I used to skate as a kid" my eyes widened "like competitions and shit?" He nodded with a sheepish smile.

"Come on" he put his hand out for me but I shook my head "no fukin way, I ain't suicidal mate" he chuckled and shook his head "trust me" I was soooooo hesitant but held his hands anyways "if you leave me I'm gonna murder your ass" he chuckled and nodded "ooh soo scary" I glared "aish" I honestly couldn't do shit in the ice.

He slowly brought me to the middle "I'm going to let go now" my head shot up "don't you dare Park" I was trembling trying to keep a grip on him but he slipped out "now skate to me" I shook my head "get tf back here right now" I'm going to kill him after.

"SUNGHOON STOP IT, GET HERE RIGHT THE FUK NOW" I was deffo the loudest here earning stares from everyone "I'm walking out if you don't try Yers" I huffed and slowly started skating towards him.

"That's it" I smiled slightly as I was finally actually skating well that was until I fell on my ass "PARK SUNGHOON" I looked up at him pissed as he smiled sheepishly "come here angel" he put his hand out to help me as I gripped it making him wince but he deserved it.

I started shivering as Sunghoon brought me around the rink NOT letting go now "aish pabo, I told you to dress warmer" I pouted "you didn't tell me we were going to a damn ice rink" he chuckled and unzipped his jacket putting it on me.

"Sunghoon your gonna get ill-" he put his finger on my lips "then you can take care of me" I shook my head disappointed in this kid "yeah yeah whatever" he smiled cutely showing his adorable fangs.

We finished up at the rink me with tons of bruises on my ass cuz of a certain Park "if I can't walk tomorrow it's your fault" he chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist "don't worry angel, I'll take care of you" he winked making me roll my eyes "stfu and drive" he chuckled and drove us home.


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