Escape 🚪

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Yeri POV
I woke up at 3am and made a brief plan on how to escape "okay let's do this shit" I walked over to Heeseungs office and slowly opened it to find it empty thank god.

I checked the cupboards for my phone but nothing, I was running out of time and I couldn't find shit "fuk this" I tidied up and carefully walked back to my room.

I packed some necessary stuff to take with me, I slowly opened my door and peaked out looking left and right before walking out.

I tiptoed downstairs till I reached the front door "they wouldn't have it locked right?" I was hopeful since it was my only way outta this shit.

I felt my body fill with a mix of excitement and fear but mostly fear, there was no turning back, I had no choice. I pulled on the handle but my heart dropped. It was locked.

I tried pulling again but no hope, I tried thinking of another way to escape when I heard someone chuckling from behind.

I hesitantly turned to see all seven of them looking at me as the eldest walked up to me with a smug grin spread on that gorgeous face of his, Heeseung smirked as he lifted my chin with his finger. "Don't try escaping princess, your ours now"
Fuk me.

I ignored him and tried to pull harder on the door "come on" he chuckled and pulled me away from the door "your not leaving princess just give up hm? Be a good girl and go to bed."

I shook my head and stepped away from him "your a fukin monster, ALL OF YOU" I gave them one last glance before running back up to my room and spending the rest of the day crying alone.


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