Your safe 🤗

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Yeri POV
It's been a week since I've been living with the boys and it's been fukin fun I'm getting used to all of them slowly well except Sunghoon he hates me but meh, what's weird tho is whenever I try to ask questions about how they knew my dad they keep avoiding it.

I was currently snuggling with Layla in Jakes bed since he's working at the moment when I heard a knock on the door "come in" the person opened the door and peaked in revealing Jungwon.

I pat the bed signalling for him to sit "hey wonnie what brings you here?" he smiled "oh well Heeseung hyung asked for me to bring you to his office, he wants to have a talk with you" oh shit am I in trouble?

Heeseungs like the parents of 7 kids and even tho he's funny and silly sometimes he still has the responsibility as the eldest "oh okie" I pat Layla before following behind Jungwon.

Jungwon stood in front of this huge ass door which led to Heeseungs office "come in" he opened the door for me but didn't walk in as he gave me a reassuring smile before leaving us.

I stood fiddling with my fingers as I looked down shyly "take a seat" I walked over to the seat opposite him and waited "your probably wondering why I called you here hm?" I nodded hesitantly as he continued.

"Well you seem to be quiet curious about a lot of things and have been asking the boys a lot of questions recently so I'm here to answer any questions you have, shoot away" he sat back waiting for me.

I was a bit taken aback but spoke anyways "well um I wanted to ask why you killed my appa and how come you took me home instead of leaving me behind?" He smiled and sat up.

"Well for one your father used to work for us but he stabbed us in that back and I know you may not want to hear it but he raped a few women" he sat waiting for a reaction but I already knew the monster my father was.

"Your not surprised?" I shook my head "nah he was a shameless man" he nodded and answered my second question "well the reason we took you in as one of us was because" he took a deep breath before continuing.

He looked at me and smiled "because you looked soo innocent and precious, I couldn't leave something soo fragile in a such a broken and harmful world, idk I guess I felt a sense of responsibility over you" awh he's a softie.

He folded his arms "any more questions?" I shook my head not wanting to push "well now I have some questions for you Yeri-shii" I waited for him to continue "you don't have to answer but I'm asking from a place of care" what does he wanna ask?

"Yeri.......what did your father do to you?" Oh. I pinched myself not to give a reaction and to stay strong "well um after my mum died from cancer when I was 7 appa completely changed from the loving father he was to a cold old man, he would beat up me and my brothers over the tiniest of things and would invite women over without caring about us" I sniffled and smiled weakly.

He went silent and watched as I tried to hold back tears "I'm sorry to hear about that" he stood and walked over to me "your safe now" he engulfed me in a hug allowing me to break down in his arms.

He rubbed my back calmingly "I promise to protect you from any harm Yeri-shi" we pulled away and he wiped my tears before pecking my forehead.

He caressed my cheek while smiling softly "so where are your brothers now?" He pulled me gently to sit on the sofa in his office "oh well um as soon as they were old enough they left and they even tried to take custody of me but appa refused and hid me and I haven't seen them in a couple of years now" his mouth formed an 'o'.

He looked at me sympathetically before reaching over and held my hands "do you want to see them again?" I nodded frantically as he smiled "well then I'll find them" he stood up and fixed his suit "w-what?" He smiled and ruffled my hair "I'll do anything to make you happy princess" princess?

I felt my cheeks heat up as I smiled shyly "oh um thanks hee" he chuckled and turned to face me "hee?" My eyes widened at the sudden nickname "oh I'm sorry it just slipped-" "I like it" oh.

I smiled goofily "oh okie then" he smiled sweetly "I'll go then" I walked towards the door when he stopped me "remember Yeri if there's anything you ever need I'm always here" I smiled and nodded before walking out.


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