Surprise? 🤯

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Yeri POV
My brows furrowed at the sound of the doorbell ringing as Jungwon wrapped his arm around my waist "wanna go check who that is?" I nodded curious as we walked to the front door.

"It's prolly just Niki ordering food the weird fuker" I chuckled nodding as I opened the door to see around 12 unfamiliar faces "who are you?" I furrowed my brows when Jungwon spoke "e-eomma, appa" I looked at his pale face.

I sense of worry ran through my veins as I held his hand squeezing it "why don't you get the rest of the boys, it's better to deal with it together hm?" He looked down at my warm smile nodding anxious.

I pushed him gently to walk away from the uncomfortable scene before looking at the parents of my boyfriends "please come in, you can wait in the living room" I smiled softly still hating each of them for mistreating my boys.

I sat uncomfortably on the sofa waiting for my boys "so your the girlfriend?" I looked up to see a woman smiling sweetly at me as I did the same "ah yeah" she nodded "they must really love you hm? To all share you?" I was about to respond when we were interrupted "don't bombarded her with questions mother." Heeseung.

The boys walked in all without emotion in their faces "Heeseun-" "no!" The eldest boy glared at his parents before sitting next to me with Sunoo on my other side.

"What are you all doing here?!" Jay spoke through gritted teeth disregarding his usual sweet tone "were here for you, we found out about the barbecue and thought it would be a good chance to mend broken relationships" "bullshit" Jungwon glared at the man who I assume is his father.

I sat fiddling with my fingers awkwardly "sorry princess, let me introduce you to our parents" I looked up as Heeseung held my hand "Mr & Mrs Lee my parents, Mr & Mrs Park Jays parents, Mrs Sim Jakes mother, Mr & Mrs Park Sunghoons parents, Mr & Mrs Kim Sunoo's parents, Mr & Mrs Yang Jungwons parents and finally Mr & Mrs Nishimura Nikis parents."

I smiled at each of them "it's nice to meet you all, I'm Yeri" surprisingly all of them smiled back at me I mean I expected at least one of them to be snobby "it's lovely to meet you dear" I nodded at Nikis mum.

"Now why are you really here? None of the fix relationships bullshit" Sunghoons voice was void of any emotion it was honestly terrifying "I miss my son, my beautiful Sun" Sunoo looked up at his mother before looking back down at his trembling fingers.

I grabbed his hand caressing my thumb over his hand as he looked at me smiling softly "do whatever you need to make you comfortable" he nodded pulling me closer to him as he snuggled up to me "thanks baby" he really was precious.

"Listen we just wanna talk to our kids, privately" Heeseung scoffed at his father "how about no fukin way" his mother gasped "oh yes mother I use 'foul' language" he rolled his eyes when his father spoke up again "just hear us out, if your uninterested after we've spoken then we'll leave. Permanently."

Heeseung looked to the other boys before getting confirmation from Jay "fine but Yeri comes with us" everyone looked at me as I nodded without thought. They needed me I'm here.

"Who wants to go first?" Heeseung broke the silence I looked around the room til Sunoo stood up "Sunoo-" "it's fine hyung, I wanna go first" Sunghoon nodded understanding.

Sunoo looked at me smiling "shall we?" I stood up taking his hand "we shall" he chuckled as we walked to Sunoo's office followed by his parents. This was gonna be a long day.


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