Lil date🍦

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Yeri POV
I sat in silence eating since hoon left to talk to Heeseung "hey Yers-" before Jake could continue I stood up with a monotone look "I'm done, tell Sunghoon to come to my room when he's done" I put my plate in the sink and walked off as I heard a saddened sigh from Jake.

I walked off to my room and lay on my bed cuddling my big old rabbit bunny as I waited for Sunghoon, around ten minutes later I heard a knock on the door and a cute little penguin peaked in making me giggle and pat the bed signalling for him to sit.

He rushed over waddling cutely "hey Sunghoonie~" he chuckled and pinched my cheeks "stop being soo goddamn cute" I giggled trying to hide the blush evident on my face.

"So what did you talk about with Heeseung?" He smiled and spoke up "I just had a little conversation and asked if I could treat out my favourite girl for some ice cream" I tilted my head confused "you have a girlfriend?" I felt my heart crack as disappointed ran through my body.

He shook his head while chuckling "no pabo you" my mouth formed an 'o' as he flicked my forehead "don't bully me I'm gullible" he chuckled and then pulled something out "MY PHONE?!!?!"

I snatched the device and hugged it "Jesus you really love that thing" I nodded enthusiastically as I held my beloved "well little Miss addicted get changed we're gonna leave in ten minutes" I nodded as I stood up and walked to my closet.

I started to check through outfits while Sunghoon was still sat on my bed "do you wanna watch me strip or are ya gonna leave?" A smirk spread on his plump lips "I think I'll stay angel" I rolled my eyes and shoved his flirty ass out "get your horny ass together geez" he left laughing his ass off while I chuckled at his stupidity.

After 10000000 yrs of picking out the right outfit I finally found a cute one that fit the hot weather but not toooooooo revealing I think........

After 10000000 yrs of picking out the right outfit I finally found a cute one that fit the hot weather but not toooooooo revealing I think

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I mean I guess it's a bit fitted but I think it's cute saurrrrr fuk it........ITS FINE YES IK THAT HES MY EX BUT CANT TWO PEOPLE RECONNECT I ONLY SEE HIM AS A FRIEND BIGGEST LIE I EVER SAID.......TRIPPED AND FELL INTO HIS BED -Olivia Rodrigo mfssssss.

Anyways I finished simping over my wife and put on some light makeup before walking downstairs to meet Sunghoon hoping not to see any of the other boys on my way.

"Yeri- woah" Sunghoon turned and his face dropped when he looked at me "is it ugly? Do I look fat? Oh crap I'll go change one-" he pulled me by my waist and shook his head with a reassuring smile "I was surprised by your beauty angel" OH NO HE DIDNT AUSHSHSHSJJSJJSJ.

I hid my face in his chest shyly "shut up" he chuckled and pat my head "should we go" I pulled away and nodded as we were about to leave we got stopped by a voice "where you going hyung?" We turned to see Yang Jungwon great 💀.

I avoided eye contact as Jungwon walked towards us "oh Jungwonie hey I'm just taking Yeri-ah on a lil date" he looked down at me with a smirk as my eyes widened and I punched his arm "it's not a date idiot" he chuckled as I rolled my eyes playfully.

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