Get you back 💞

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Sunoo POV
It's been a week since the um 'incident' and Yeri hasn't been talking to ANY of us except Sunghoon hyung, I mean we keep trying to hangout or start a conversation but she's not interested and I'm ngl it hurts.

Me, Jake hyung, Jungwon, Jay hyung and Niki were playing monopoly in the living room when the two love birds walked in giggling 🙄.

"Oh hey guys you aren't using the tv are you?" Obvs Sunghoon spoke since Yeri was unable to open her mouth around us but anyways we shook our heads as the two made themselves comfy on the couch and opened Netflix, I couldn't help myself but to stare at the two soo close and GOD WAS I JEALOUS.

I rolled my eyes at the two but then someone squeezed my hand "she'll come back to us eventually" I nodded at Jake hyung as he smiled reassuringly.

"Hey Yeri, Sunghoon you guys wanna play?" Niki tried inviting the two but as Sunghoon looked at Yeri for an answer she shook her head and whispered in his ear "oh maybe later Niks we just wanna watch this film" the young boys smile dropped but soon returned with a fake smile as he nodded"oh okay that's fine hyung."

We continued playing but I couldn't focus with those two giggling in the back like school kids, ah fuk this "could you not be soo loud we're trying to play a game!" I looked at them sternly and they both went quiet.

"Oh sorry Sun we'll be quieter" I rolled my eyes and looked at the other who looked at me shocked "what?" Jay hyung sighed "I think we should have a talk with Sunghoon" I looked at the others to see them all agreeing.

We stood up and looked at Sunghoon "can we talk to you for a sec Sunghoon, won't be long" he looked at Jay and nodded understanding the authority Jay and Heeseung hyung hold.

He ruffled Yeris hair before walking out with us "so what's up guys?" He smiled as we all frowned and shared a look "Sunghoon we don't like this" he furrowed his brows at me confused so Jungwon finished for me "we don't like how Yeri is only interacting with you, we miss her" he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"I don't know what to do man, she's really scared of you guys I mean had I not convinced her out she would've spent the whole week in her room I'm honestly not sure if she's ready" we all looked at him pleading "come on hyung you know how much we care about her" he sighed stressed but nodded.

"Okay I'll try come on" we all smiled happily as we walked in, we all sat around Yeri as Sunghoon hyung sat next to her and held her hand I mean HONESTLY WHEN DID THEY GET SOO CLOSE DIDNT THEY HATE EACH OTHER?!?!

She looked at Sunghoon confused as he smiled sweetly at her "um Yeri-ah we want to talk to you, all of us" I noticed her body tensed up but she nodded.

Niki decided to speak up "we miss you Yeri" her body relaxed "I mean I really hate seeing you soo sad whenever you see us but then Sunghoon hyung makes you smile soo much it hurts" she smiled sympathetically, guess she has a soft spot for the kid.

I decided to butt in "yeah I mean we understand we fuked up and we're soo fukin stupid for not speaking up when Heeseung hyung was hurting you but please please forgive us" we all waited in anticipation until she nodded "okay" we all jumped up happily and hugged her.

Her eyes widened at our excitement as we calmed down "oh I didn't know you guys felt like that" she chuckled at our behaviour "how about tomorrow we all go to the park with the dogs hm?" She nodded excitedly at Jungwons idea.

"I'm still her favourite tho right Yers?" Sunghoon looked at her with his suck up smile but only received a flick on the forehead "yeah as if Sunghoon, Nikis my baby" his smile dropped as he looked at her deadpanned and she hugged Niki making us all laugh. We finally got Yeri back.


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