Weird 🤨

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Yeri POV
I woke up to my annoying ass alarm "fuk mornings" I slapped the stupid machine and got out of bed before dragging myself to the bathroom to freshen up........

I waddled down to the dining room to find the boys already setting up the table "morning~" they all looked at me and smiled "morning Yers had a good sleep?" I hugged Sunghoon and nodded "yeah u?" He smiled and nodded

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I waddled down to the dining room to find the boys already setting up the table "morning~" they all looked at me and smiled "morning Yers had a good sleep?" I hugged Sunghoon and nodded "yeah u?" He smiled and nodded.

"You need any help?" They shook their heads "you just sit down and look pretty" I rolled my eyes at Jakes comment "I'm serious sit down sweetie" I furrowed my brows at him and sat down a bit confused at his sudden behaviour.

I watched as Jay and Heeseung brought in the food "Bon appetite" Jay placed my plate of waffles in front of me "oooh a frenchie" he chuckled and ruffled my hair "eat darling, you don't want the food to get cold" I blushed at the 'darling' and started to eat along with other other boys.

"How about we all play a game after this?" I looked up excited at Heeseung offer "UNO" Niki yelled overly joyed making me giggle "I'm down for that" Nikis head shot in my direction "oh your going down shorty" I looked at him intimidatingly "imma beat your ass Nishimura just watch" we both laughed and continued eating.

After breakfast I stood up to put my plate in the kitchen but it got taken away from me by Sunoo "I'll take that for you" I furrowed my brows "what a gentleman but seriously Sun I can take it myself" he shook his head and walked off. Weird.

I brushed it off and walked to the living room with Jungwon to set up the cards "eight of us and seven cards each" Jungwon nodded and started dealing the pack.

Soon after the others joined as we sat in a circle "left to the dealer starts which is me~" I smiled proudly and started the game, it was sorta cold so I hugged my legs "is it cold angel?" I looked at Sunghoon and shook my head "oh no no it's fine-" before I could continue he wrapped a blanket around my body and sat next to me.

I looked at him surprised "oh thanks hoon" he smiled and focused back on the game "I'm on uno" I looked at Niki with one final card and tried cheating as I peaked over "HE HAS A YELLOW, DONT PUT YELLOW DOWN" Niki looked at me betrayed as I smiled sweetly.

It came round to me and Niki still only had one card "pick up 4" he looked at me deadpanned "your evil" I smiled "I know I am" he flicked my forehead but was soon pulled back by Heeseung "yah don't be soo rough with her" wtf I ain't a fragile doll.

"Hyung she's bullying me~" Heeseung glared at Niki "she's younger than you, act your age" Niki sulked at Heeseung scolding making me feel guilty "it's not a biggie, it's just a game" I tried to laugh it off but the situation became awkward.

"Uno~" I was on my final card and was very careful no one saw it, we went round and it seemed like they were playing easy "I WIN" I placed my card down in triumph as they all smiled?

"Ah well done Yeri-ah" no this is not how your supposed to react "no no your supposed to be annoyed, why are you all acting weird?" They looked at each other seeming to understand as Jungwon spoke up "okay we need to talk Yeri" oh shit more bad news? (Bad news -Kiss of life heh)


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