What the fuk 😟

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Yeri POV
I woke up and rubbed my eyes before looking at myself in the mirror "fuk I look awful" I sighed at my deep eyes bags, I washed my face before looking around for my phone "hyung took it?" I looked up to see Jungwon smiling at me.

I looked at him emotionless "okay" I walked back to my bed and lay down, I heard him sigh "breakfast is ready" "I'm not hungry" his mouth formed an 'o' as he nodded and walked to the door "I'll let you sleep then" I nodded and lay back.

A few minutes later someone knocked on the door but I didn't have the energy to open it, after a while the person opened the door and peaked in "I made your favourite~" Jay smiled at me sweetly but I just gave him the same dead look.

I opened my laptop to watch a kdrama "please eat, it's not good for your health" I hmed as he sighed and walked out still keeping a smile on his face.

I felt sorta guilty but they deserved it, I opened Netflix to watch Hwarang when the smell of those fukin delicious pancakes caught my attention "awh fuk it" I picked up the plate and played the episode while eating.

I spent the whole day binge watching dramas with a couple of interruptions from the boys except Sunghoon and Heeseung who probably could care less about me.

It was 11:43pm and somebody walked into my room "hey Yeri" I looked back at my screen ignoring Heeseung, he closed the door and walked to my bed before sitting in front of me.

He held my hand making me look at him for a split second but immediately turned back to the screen "I'm sorry Yers I should've told you in a more responsible way it was fukin stupid and childish what I did yesterday" I pretended to not be interested.

He kissed my hand making my heart beat faster "I'm really sorry and I get that you don't wanna talk to me but I can't let you leave I'm sorry" he was about to leave but I held his hand "why? Why can't I leave?!" He sighed.

"Do you really want to know? You won't like it" I nodded still eager asf "your really not gonna like it" I rolled my eyes "fine the reason we need you to stay here is A. Me and the boys have all agreed we can't let you go and B. We need someone to mate with and carry our children and your the perfect option since we're all interested in you" WHAT THE FUK?!?!

My eyes widened "wtf Heeseung?!!!" He nodded "I told you you wouldn't like it" I covered my mouth not being able to comprehend the words that just came out his mouth "so I'm just your fuk toy is that it?!?!" He shook his head "it's not like that Yers-" "get out" I glared at him.

"Yers please-" "GET THE FUK OUT!?!?" He nodded before walking to the door "I'm sorry princess" he smiled one last time before leaving me.

I sat in silence trying to understanding wtf just happened "I'm gonna die as a fukin sex toy" I felt tears threatening to fall but I just decided to brush it off and go to sleep.


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