Eun Chae 🐱

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Yeri POV
We were currently driving towards the mall Jake driving Niki in shotgun and sadly me and Sunghoon in the back yay 🫤, I picked up my phone and started scrolling on insta when I felt a light touch on my arm.

I turned to see Sunghoon smiling shyly "yes?" He scratched his nape awkwardly "oh um well I just wanted to say um sorry about earlier I should've knocked" I nodded "it's fine" he settled back "thanks for being soo chill about it" I shrugged when I realised something.

My face lit up "WAIT" his attention diverted to me and for a second he looked worried pft as if "did THE Park Sunghoon just apologise to ME?!?!" He rolled his eyes and sat back "chill it's a one time thing don't get used to it" I smiled proudly "I will never forget this" he scowled at me before minding his own business.

We finally arrived at the mall and god did I miss coming here "okay where should we go first?" I smiled at Jake overly excited and dragged the three to a toy store "are you five?" I glared at Sunghoon and ignored him.

I looked over at the toys jumping up and down excited "geez you really are a kid" I punched Nikis arm "shut up your like 6 months older" "7 months" he smiled cheekily earning a second punch "Jesus your soo abusive" he rubbed his arm making me smile proudly.

"OH MY GAWD" I ran over as soon as I saw this amazing fukin perfect adorable ass plushie "I WANT~" the other two chuckled at me and I even noticed a slight smile from Sunghoon "you really want this one?" I nodded like a kid...

"I'll buy it for you then" I shook my head at Jakes offer "no no I have money Heeseung gave me loads" he ruffled my hair and shook his head "I want to buy it as a present for you" wth is with these boys and presents "fine but I'm paying for the fo...

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"I'll buy it for you then" I shook my head at Jakes offer "no no I have money Heeseung gave me loads" he ruffled my hair and shook his head "I want to buy it as a present for you" wth is with these boys and presents "fine but I'm paying for the food" he shrugged "we'll see" I giggled as we walked to the counter to pay.

We walked out the shop when I realised Niki wasn't with us "where's Niks?" Jake shrugged "idk I'll call him" before he could even dial we saw the crazy kid running towards us with a bag in his hand.

"Where tf were you? I was worried we'd lost you" he chuckled and pat my head "awh you worry for me~" I rolled my eyes "whatever" he smiled cutely before handing me a bag "what?" He shook his head "it's for you pabo" I took the bag and opened to see three fukin adorable plushies.........

"Omg they're soo cute~ wait why'd you buy them? Niki its too much~" he shook his head while smiling "nothings ever too much for you" I pushed him to hide my blush "plus they reminded me of you" I giggled and hugged him "thanks Niks" he chuckle and...

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"Omg they're soo cute~ wait why'd you buy them? Niki its too much~" he shook his head while smiling "nothings ever too much for you" I pushed him to hide my blush "plus they reminded me of you" I giggled and hugged him "thanks Niks" he chuckle and hugged back "no problem shorty" yes that's his nickname for me 🫠.

We continued shopping and the boys kept trying to pay for my shit but noh, I secretly got them and the other boys presents even Sunghoon for some reason I wanted to.

We finally decided to eat and get boba mah fav "I'll pay" Sunghoon had been sorta quiet the whole time so I was kinda caught off guard "but I said I'd pay~" he bit his lip not to laugh "I'm paying now sit and order" I huffed and sat as he chuckled to himself.

I ended up ordering a milk boba and kimchi pancakes, I was talking to Niki while I was waiting when suddenly I high pitched voice interrupted us "KIM YERI?!?!?" My head shot up to see Hong Eun Chae.

"CHAE!??!" I jumped out my seat and hugged her "omfg it's been like 2 years I missed you~" I giggled as I pulled her to join our table "this is Niki, Jake and Sunghoon my friends" she waved at them sweetly as they all smile back well except Sunghoon who just nodded at her and continued his own shit.

"Guys this is my childhood best friend Hong Eun chae" after introducing themselves I turned to her "how's auntie and uncle? I haven't seen them in ages" she smiled "they're fine what about your dad? He changed or still the fukin devil?" I smiled awkwardly "well actually he um he's dead" her eyes widened.

"FINALLY, wait your happy with it right?" I nodded as she hugged me again "you deserved soo much better than that asshole" I leaned into her arms "I hate him for soo many things but especially for taking me away from you and my brothers" she rubbed my back.

We finally pulled away "so where you living at the moment? You know I'm moving into my own apartment we should be roomies?" I clapped my hands in excitement "omg yes, I mean I'll have to talk to my current roommates but I bet they won't mind" she smiled and nodded.

After an hour of catching up she had to go so we exchanged numbers and decided to leave, we got in the car with all our bags "you seemed happy with your little friend" I smiled at Jake and nodded "yeah she was the one person I could rely on for anything, I really missed her" he smiled at me sweetly and pat my head "cute" DID HE JUST CALL ME CUTE?!?!


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