Don't break promises 😉

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Yeri POV
I was snuggling with Gaeul and Sunghoon resting my head on his chest while he worked from his laptop, I cuddled Gaeul in my arms when I felt a light tap on my head making me look up to see my boyfriend smiling down sweetly.

I pulled out my earphones waiting for him to speak "you look soo pretty without makeup" I rolled my eyes as he cupped my cheek and pecked my lips "finished your work?" He shook his head "I'll take a break for you" I nodded as he picked me up placing me between his legs.

He rested his head on my shoulder as he pressed small kisses on my neck and his arms wrapped around my stomach "my two favourite girls" I giggled as he snuggled his face in my neck.

The three of us were snuggling when Sunghoons phone started to ring making Gaeul bark as Sunghoon detached from me and picked up the phone, Sunghoon closed Gaeuls mouth with his hand making the clueless pup look even cuter as I giggled.

Sunghoon noticed me giggling and pecked my cheek with a smile making me flustered as he continued talking on the phone, he finished the phone call "who was that?" He let go of Gauels mouth pecking my lips.

"Heeseung hyung, he's calling for you" I nodded as we got out the bed and left Gaeul as Sunghoon walked me hand in hand down to Heeseungs office, when we got there he knocked for me before leaving me with a peck.

I walked in to see Heeseung smiling widely at me "Heeseungie~" he chuckled as I ran up to him and he placed me on his lap "hey princess" I giggled as he pressed a short kiss on my lips.

When we pulled away he caressed my cheek "what happened hee?" He seemed more thoughtful making me worry a bit, he shook his head "nothing bad, don't worry beautiful" I nodded as he pecked my cheek.

"I just wanna talk to you about something" I nodded sitting up waiting "yk when we talked about your brothers?" I nodded interested "well I don't break my promises" my eyes widened "YOU FOUND THEM?!?" He nodded with a smile as I wrapped my arms around him.

"Thank you soo much hee" he smiled softly pecking my forehead "anything for you my princess" I blushed but ignored it "do they know where I am? About appa?" He smiled at my excitement.

He held my hands calming me down "I've contacted them regarding you but I think you should be the one to tell them anything such as your father" I nodded with a soft smile.

I hugged him again "thank you soo much hee" he stroked my hair "don't thank me, your not just my girlfriend but family and I do anything for family" I felt my heart soften up before cuddling up in his arms. I'm gonna see my brothers again.


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