Parks 1 🐧

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Yeri POV
I held Sunghoon hand "shall we?" He nodded pecking my nose as we stepped into the room to see his parents smiling widely at us "mother, father" he nodded at the two expressionless as we seated.

He folded his arms relaxing as his parents looked at him confused "oh you wanted me to start? Nah this is on you" he picked me up placing me on his lap as he started to play with my fingers "we're sorry."

He sat up scoffing "oh really? Thought you were here to make sure everyone in the family stayed away from me, oh or maybe to make sure I stay away from my own sister?" He furrowed his brows pissed "no? Oh continue then" he wasn't playing.

His father sighed "Sunghoon we all miss you, Yeji wouldn't stop talking about you and it really hurt seeing her grow up without her older brother by her side" I could tell his heart softened at the mention of his little sister.

His mother looked up lip quivering "m-my son" she started crying as her husband wrapped his arm around her attempting to comfort the broken lady.

My boyfriends fists clenched "eomma" the elder lady looked up at him "please don't cry, your making it hard to hate you" she smiled softly "please forgive me my son" she bowed her head.

Sunghoon sighed pulling the woman into a hug along with his father "I forgive you, it just pained me not being able to see my beloved parents everyday" the elder man squeezed his shoulder "we messed up, your our son in any form" Sunghoon cracked a smile pulling the two back into a hug.

I slid out the room going to find Jake I mean honestly I don't get why they want me there I wasn't of much help but if it's what they need I'll be there to support em.


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