Disgusting 🥺

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Yeri POV
The last few days have been fukin hell away from my boys, K still thinks sex is dangerous for the baby so he hasn't pulled any shit thankfully but I don't think I'll be able to live like this.

"Babe I prepared the hot tub, Fuma will bring your bikini" Fuma was his best friend and personal butler ever since we were dating and he deffo had a soft spot for me.

Let me just explain everything, Koga is Eun Chaes brother, I grew up with the Hongs before my mother died we were all friends Koga being close with my brothers but as we grew up me and K started dating and got a lot of support from our families but he became more forceful and took my virginity without permission when I was 15 and he was 17, for a few months we were like that me hiding the pain he was causing me from my family but when I spilt everything to  Eun Chae she told her father and he disowned Koga sending him away making sure he never came near me again but then my father kept me away from the world so I never saw the Hongs again till I met my boys........

Let me just explain everything, Koga is Eun Chaes brother, I grew up with the Hongs before my mother died we were all friends Koga being close with my brothers but as we grew up me and K started dating and got a lot of support from our families bu...

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I am seriously uncomfortable wearing this around his horny ass but honestly didn't have a choice as I walked out to be met with Fuma "morning Yeri-shi" he bowed respectfully as I smiled weakly "hey Fuma" he flashed me a sympathetic look before guiding me to the hot tub.

"Koga is waiting in there for you" I nodded opening the door "thanks Fuma" he nodded "I tried talking to him, hopefully he'll listen" I smiled softly before walking into the hot tub room.

"Hey babe" I nodded emotionless pulling off my silk robe before dipping into the hot tub sitting opposite him "sit here" he pat his thigh making me freeze "I'd rather not Kog-" "are you disobeying your boyfriend?" I sighed shaking my head scared.

I shuffled over to him as he picked me up placing me on his thigh "that's better" he wrapped his arm around my waist "you look gorgeous babe" I nodded "why you being soo quiet?" He brushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

"S-sorry" he shook his head smiling warmly "don't apologise, never apologise to me love" he pecked my cheek lovingly now this was the K I missed "I know" I rested my head on his chest not by choice but I couldn't risk bringing out his pissed side.

"It's been three years babe, fuk I missed you" he nibbled on my ear sensually as I moved my hand to my stomach "the baby" he groaned flipping his head.

He moved his hand to my stomach making me tense "I can't wait for this lil guy to get out so I can fuk you how I used to" now that was the K I never wanted to see again.

"You know I'm rly excited to raise this baby with you, idc who his/her biological father is I'll be better" maybe he will, you never know fatherhood may change him.

"Wheres my loud Yeri gone?" I shrugged "I'm tired" he hmed "go sleep" my eyes widened as he smiled warmly "n-now?" He nodded "I'll get Fuma to get you a hot water bottle, it's a bit chilly out hm?" I nodded as he squeezed my arm softly.

He wrapped the towel around me before calling for Fuma to take care of me, maybe he will change, maybe this won't be bad, maybe I'll be able to enjoy a little of the rest of my life with him. But I'll always miss my boys.


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