Stay 🛌

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Sunghoon POV
I smiled at the young girl before ruffling her hair "you should get some rest, your body's probably exhausted" she shook her head cutely "I'm not tired" and as if on cue she yawned.

I raised my brows teasingly "oh shut up" she rolled her eyes playfully as I let out a little chuckle, she played with the sleeves of her top nervously "um Sunghoon can I ask you a question?" My focus fully on her I nodded.

"How come your acting soo sweet all of a sudden? I thought you hate me?" Oh, I shook my head as I smiled "I never hated you I was just being stubborn" her mouth formed an 'o' making my heart skip a beat at her adorableness.

"And I've changed cuz I've decided to accept that you're not a mini witch so can we be friends?" I looked at her shyly as she giggled and put her hand out "friends" I smiled widely as I shook her hand.

She poked my arm like a little kid "yes angel?" I saw her cheeks turn slightly pink making her look even more adorable "um can you get up for a second, your sitting on my foot" my eyes widened as I shot up "I'm soo sorry your foot must be hurting now" I looked under the blanket at her small little pink foot.

I placed my hands on her feet and started massaging them "does that feel better" she covered her face shyly "hoonie your soo random~" I giggled at her cuteness "hoonie?" Her hands flew away from her face as her face turned bright red "oh I'm sorry it slipped out I-" "it's cute" she was taken aback but a smile spread on her lips.

After massaging her feet I tucked her in and placed a kiss on her forehead "night angel" I was about to leave when she grabbed my wrist making me turn confused "can you stay?"

I smiled at her cuteness and nodded "sure" she moved up so I could lay next to her, we lay side by side for a few moments before she spoke up again "can you cuddle me?" My head shot towards her at the sudden request.

"Oh um it's just my brothers used to cuddled me to sleep after eomma passed away and I kinda miss that feeling" my heart softened as I realised what a strong girl she was after suffering her whole life she never showed weakness.

I smiled softly and pulled her so our body's were touching "of course Yers" I wrapped my arms around her small body as she leaned into my touch.

I rubbed her back soothingly until I started to hear small snores, I looked down to see her breathing in and out slowly "aish your such a precious angel hm?" I stroked her hair as I smiled at her fragile state.

I noticed the dry tears glistening on her cheeks and wiped them away with my thumb "I promise to protect you even if it costs my life, I think I've fallen for you Yeri-ah" I pressed a kiss to her cheek before falling asleep myself.


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