Day with Jake 🐶

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Yeri POV
Jake told me our date was later in the day so I just lounged around until he'd come and get me "Yeri-ah~" he waddled in making me giggle at his puppy like smile.

"Hey Jakey~" he smiled and sat on the bed "sweetie is it okay if we leave in ten?" I nodded trying to hide the evident blush on my face "now get out so I can get ready" he chuckled "why don't I stay and you get ready?" He wiggled his brows making me slap his arm and shoved him out.........

"Hey Jakey~" he smiled and sat on the bed "sweetie is it okay if we leave in ten?" I nodded trying to hide the evident blush on my face "now get out so I can get ready" he chuckled "why don't I stay and you get ready?" He wiggled his brows making ...

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I picked up my bag and walked down to find Jake standing with a hawt jacket "sooo where we goin?" I fluttered my eyes at him "do you really wanna know?" I nodded excitedly as he gave in "we're going to the cinema" I jumped up clapping my hands.

"I haven't been there since I was a kid" he tilted his head "really?" I hmed "when eomma died appa barely let me out the house" he looked at me sympathetically.

He caressed my cheek with a soft smile "well now me and the boys will take you anytime you want" he winked making me chuckle as he linked arms with me and led us to his car........

"Oooh blue" he chuckled as we got in and he drove us to the movies "so do you drive?" I looked at him done "oh yeah my dad not letting me out deffo made me need to drive" he chuckled and shrugged "maybe I could teach you?" He had a cheeky smile

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"Oooh blue" he chuckled as we got in and he drove us to the movies "so do you drive?" I looked at him done "oh yeah my dad not letting me out deffo made me need to drive" he chuckled and shrugged "maybe I could teach you?" He had a cheeky smile.

"Really?" He nodded "I mean why not, more time with you? Fuk Yh" I giggled and shook my head at his stupidity as he parked up "me lady?" I rolled my eyes as I slipped my arm to link his as we entered the cinema.

"Two vip tickets to the Spider-Man movies and a popcorn box please" Jake smiled charmingly at the lady making me roll my eyes but chose to ignore it "Spider-Man?" He nodded "it's an anniversary thing of the first ever Spider-Man so they're showing all Spider-Man films" I made an 'o' with my mouth as he smiled cutely.

The girl came back and handed us our tickets "the popcorn will be done in a sec" she winked at Jake making me feel like just reaching over and banging her head on the counter but self control yall.

I looked at Jake to find him just smiling sweetly but let's give him one last chance "here ya go" she passed the popcorn to Jake WITH A NOTE, nah fuk this.

I snatched the note with her number and ripped it right in front of her "he's taken!" I glared at her before dragging Jake towards our screen, I snatched the tickets and handed them to the guy "you alone miss?" I could tell the guy was trying to flirt but I was not in the mood.

"No I was SUPPOSED to be on a date but the ass I'm with seems to be interested in other people" I poked my cheek with my tongue pissed as Jake tried to touch my shoulder but I pushed him off.

I looked back at the guy waiting and as he handed me back the tickets he smiled "well maybe if your interested we could go for a drink after your film?" He grinned as I smiled back and was about to answer when Jake stepped in front of me and shielded me behind him.

"Don't mess with another guys girl, you should at least know this much!" He glared at the guy before looking at our tickets and taking us to our screen, I felt somewhat satisfied for my little revenge as we got seated stay toxic yall.

The film started and Jake handed me the popcorn "want some sweetheart?" I ignored him and kept my eyes on the screen before hearing a sigh from him.

He put the popcorn down and held my hand making me tense "I'm sorry, I was just trying to get you jealous so you'd be whiney and clingy but that fuked back on me" I smiled slightly and sighed "it's fine Jakey" he smiled cutely and pecked my cheek "thanks sweetie" aish who can stay mad at this cutie.

We watched the film holding hands while sharing the popcorn when it came to the iconic Spider-Man kiss, I felt someone poking my side and turned to see Jake smiling cheekily.

"Hm?" He put his finger up "watch" he got up and ran up to the row above making me giggle having an idea about what he was about to do "Jakey~" I giggled feeling shy as he got down on his knees and lifted my head.

He smiled adorable "can I?" I nodded with a grin as he moved down and attached our lips, I was smiling into the kiss feeling soo giddy as he stuck his tongue in.

He slid his soft tongue all over my mouth before slowly parting from my lips with a string of saliva attaching our lips "fukin gorgeous" I giggled as he pecked my lips before coming back to sit next to me.

The films finished and honestly that was the best movie experience I've ever had I mean Jake kept messing with my recliner but it was in a cute innocent way.

We walked out the cinema hand in hand when we were stopped by an older couple "we saw what you two did in the cinema, it was soo cute we had to get a pic so if you what it?" My face flushed red embarrassed as Jakes eyes lit up.

"Thank you we'd love that" Jake took out his phone and went to the woman's husband getting the pic as his wife came to me "you two are adorable, I remember being that careless once. Treasure it" I smiled at the lady and continued talking to her.

We finished talking to the couple and left the cinema "today was incredible Jakey" he looked down at me with a grin "I've never kissed someone as good as you" my eyes widened I covered my face embarrassed eliciting a chuckle from him.


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