Where tf am I? 😳

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Yeri POV
I rubbed my eyes as I slowly sat up, I looked around at the unfamiliar room "where am I?" I closed my eyes thinking back to last night what happened?

"Oh shit" I jumped off the bed and pulled my hair, I ran to the door and started banging on it "OPEN UP!!" Was that one of appas men? Did he sell me? Did he really hate me as much as he said he did?

Tears started flowing down my cheeks as I kept banging on the door when it suddenly opened "woah" this sharp jaw guy put his hands up as I stopped punching "oh sorry" wait why am I apologising? HE KIDNAPPED ME.

He shut the door behind him "where am I? Who are you?" He stayed silent as he picked up his phone "she's awake" somebody replied on the other side before he hung up.

I glared at him waiting "so?" He kept quiet waiting "fukin tell me where I am" I held him by his collar only earning a chuckle from him "slow there feisty, not like you can do much anyways" I sighed and threw him not doing much to him.

Soon enough 6 other boys entered making me back up, why soo damn many? "please take a seat" it was the same guy from last night, I obeyed him and sat on the bed having some sort of safety around him.

"Where tf am I? Who are you? I wanna go home!" They all shared a look with each other before focusing on me again "your in our house and your not going home but we're here to protect you" I scoffed "protect my ass, how am I here?"

The aussie looking guy sighed "well your father fuked around with our business so we um, we killed him" my body froze "y-you k-killed h-him?" He nodded a bit hesitant.

I relaxed as a smile spread on my face "omg god he's actually gone? I'm free?" They nodded as a tear slipped past my eye I mean as bad as he was he was still my dad "how about an introduction hm?" I nodded at the smiley guy waiting.

"Im Heeseung" the guy from last night introduced "Jay" sharp jawline dude "Jungwon" dimples "Jake" puppy "Niki" baby face "Sunoo" smiley, I looked at the last guy with a cold aura waiting "what? It's not like we're gonna get to know each other" rude much?

He got hit on the back of his head by Jay "fukin be polite geez" he scowled but spoke anyways "whatever I'm Sunghoon happy?" I nodded before averting my attention back to all of them "and you are?" I smiled weakly at Jungwon "Kim Yeri."

The Sunoo guy stepped forward and put his hand out "nice to meet you Yeri" I shook his hand and smiled back at him not half as sweet as him but still yk "we'll let you rest up we can discuss everything else later."

I nodded at Heeseung as they all left me alone "I'll bring some food up in case your hungry" I smiled at Jay before shutting the door. Finally hell is over and god knows how safe I am here but at least appas gone.


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