Feelings? ❤️‍🔥

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Jungwon POV
I was sitting in my office working when someone knocked on the door "enter" my eyes didn't leave the screen as the person walked in "hyung can we um talk?" I turned to see Niki looking quite uncomfortable.

I nodded and signalled for him to sit "so what's wrong Niks?" He smiled shyly and scratched the back of his neck "I think I've um I think I've got a crush on Yeri" don't we all.

I sighed and sat back "okay we need to discuss this with the other boys" I noticed his body tense "Niki it's not just about you, you haven't done anything wrong it's just something we all need to discuss" he relaxed and nodded "let's go to Heeseung hyungs office" he nodded as we both stood up and walked out silently.

After a while all the boys walked into the room and once we were all together I decided to speak "I've brought you all here because over the last few days each one of you have either come to me or Heeseung hyung saying you have feelings for Yeri and in all honesty so do me and hyung."

Heeseung stood up and continued "since we already wanted Yeri to be the carrier of our kids I propose we share her if she accepts us" everyone looked at each other somewhat surprised.

"I don't mind that idea but we should still give her sometime before we confess" everyone agreed with Sunghoon "well then it's decided after another week if things go smoothly we'll confess to Yeri-ah that okay?" I looked around the room to get nods from everyone.

We were about to leave when the youngest spoke up "but we have to all promise if she rejects us to just accept it and let her go" everyone tensed at the thought of letting her go but it's the right thing to do.

"We can't she-" I stopped Heeseung "hyung you know it's the right thing to do, do you really wanna force her to carry all of our children when she doesn't feel anything for us? She'll just hate us for taking away her right to fall in love" I looked at hyung who refused to look up.

He sighed and nodded "okay" I smiled at the boys "try and win her heart over in the next week but don't be pushy and if I hear that any of you have been forcing her to do stuff I won't hesitate to beat your ass" I looked at each of them sternly as they all nodded.

I smiled sweetly "well then it's settled now everyone back to work, we should also visit the company soon and check in" they nodded and left one by one leaving me and Heeseung hyung alone.

I turned to him and smiled before pulling him into a hug "it's just me and you hyung don't need to hid anything" he accepted the hug as I heard sniffles "I'm scared of loosing her Jungwon, what if she leaves and never contacts us again?" We pulled away and I smiled at his worry.

"She not like that and you know it, she sees us as her family so you don't need to worry I promise she won't hurt us" he smiled and pat my shoulder "thanks Jungwon, I always know I can rely on you" I smiled cheerfully "no problem hyung but I should get going we got loads of work to catch up on" he nodded and bid me farewell before I left.


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