1 girl 7 boys 💒

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Yeri POV
Finally the big day, I was making my love official with my boys, Eun Chae and Yeji are my brides maid, Ej and Nicholas are gonna walk me down the isle, Konon Misola Sunmi and Jeemin planned the wedding, Heedo is wedding officiator, Jackson is ring bearer and Fuma is the boys best man, the boys will be walking down with their parents in sets.

My baby bump had grown massively since I was now 6 months pregnant, I was in my makeup room stressing over this wedding "istg if you don't calm tf down and get in this damn dress imma slap you" I pouted at Eun Chae before she helped me get into the dress.........

My baby bump had grown massively since I was now 6 months pregnant, I was in my makeup room stressing over this wedding "istg if you don't calm tf down and get in this damn dress imma slap you" I pouted at Eun Chae before she helped me get into th...

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"Damn Jay really does have good taste" I nodded looking in the mirror "Chae what if-" "nope" she shoved me out the room making me groan "bitch" she sarcastically smiled as I walked over to my brothers.

"Wow" I slapped Nicholas forehead "I'm taken" he made a disgusted face "that's incest bitch" I shrugged "seems like something you'd be into" before he could retaliate Ej shut him up "let's go before you two get into a fight" I giggled as the eldest brother shook his head.

The doors opened as we started walking down the isle I tensed "Euijoo~" he chuckled looking at me before whispering "you look stunning cupcake, don't stress it I'll stab each of them if they hurt you" I giggled as we got to the front.

Ej smiled at Heeseung "look after her" Nicholas glared at my boys "I'll fuk you up if you hurt her" and with that his older brother dragged him off the stage.

"You look beyond gorgeous darling" I smiled softly as Jay held my hand turning to Heedo "Heeseung start your vows" the eldest nodded turning to me.....

Heeseung: from the day I saw you crying on your bed I knew you would become something special to me and look at us now, even though it's not biological child your carrying I hope to be a great father to the mini Nishimura, princess your fukin amazing, from head to toe I love your beautiful imperfections.

Jay: darling I don't even know where to start, the first time I looked into your eyes I knew you were something special, your the most perfect woman I've ever layer eyes on and trust me that's a compliment I have seen Irene, love I promise to make you pancakes everyday just promise to love me forever.

Jake: sweetie I'm just gonna say what we're all thinking, you look fukin adorable in that damn dress, love you are beyond perfect, there's no words to describe you your beyond this fukin world, I promise to love your sexy ass till the day I die.

Sunghoon: angel.......be mine? Forever and ever? See now you can't take it back your stuck with my annoying ass, seriously angel I don't know if I'd be able to ever love if it wasn't you, your the only one for me, I fukin love you angel.

Sunoo: baby~ your soo pretty, have I told you that? Well your the prettiest girl I've ever seen, wayyyyyy prettier than Sunmi noon, she's a crusty rat compared to your beauty, inside and out your just an angel, I can't wait for our mini angel to pop out.

Jungwon: hey Jagiya, you look fukin pretty, I haven't been able to focus on anything but your beauty from the day I met you, when K tried taking you away from us I was ready to leave this world if you'd never come back to us, I can't imagine a world without you love, your my universe.

Niki: damn shorty your ass mhm, looking scrumptious babe, ANYWAYS love I'm gonna cry I didn't think a woman could see soo damn gorgeous, I want to throw you on a bed and kiss you forever and ever, steal you away from hyungs, but honestly I can't wait to raise this lil shit with you and hyungs, we're gonna make some fukin amazing parents, I love you shorty don't ever fukin forget that.

I giggled as Niki finished off "now the bride?" I nodded as I looked at my seven boys "gosh where to begin? Fuk I love you all soo damn much, after eomma died I never thought I'd ever be happy but the second you guys stepped into my life yes it was hard but it was all fukin worth it, I love you guys soo soo much, I'm soo excited to grow a family with the men I love, I love each of you and I wanna get old with you guys. My boys."

Heeseung stepped forward "love~" I giggled as he caressed my cheek before pushing his lips on mine "woah bro let me announce you guys geez" Heeseung chuckled at his brother stepping back.

"Gosh okay I now pronounce you horny kids as husbands and wife, you can kiss the poor girl now" Heeseung grabbed my lips pressing his lips on my mine for a hit second before I felt Sunoos lips on mine.

Jay kissed me, Jungwon, Sunghoon, Niki and finally Jake refused to pull away "Jakey~" he groaned pulling back "let's get drunk!" Niki ran out the hall with a wine bottle making us chuckle walking out together. I'm officially theirs.


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