Belong ❤️‍🩹

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Yeri POV
"YERI-AH~" I looked up with a smile to see one of my boyfriends waddling over to my bed "hey sunny" he jumped on the bed and snuggled up to me "watch doin?" I smiled and closed my book "just reading" he took the book and looked at it "ah boring" I rolled my eyes as I snatched the book and put it to the side.

"Why you here anyways?" He pouted "wae? Can I not come visit my girlfriend whenever I want?" I chuckled and hugged him "okie I'm sorry~" his frown flipped as he hugged me back "it's fine baby" I giggled as his nose brushed my collar bone.

We pulled away and he cupped my cheek "but I did come here for a reason" I tilted my head waiting "I thought maybe me you and Jungwon could have a pamper evening face masks n stuff yk?" My eyes sparkled at his offer.

"Yes yes yessssss lemme get changed into something comfy" he giggled and nodded as he pecked my nose and left to get changed.........

I skipped down to the living room and jumped onto the sofa waiting for Sunoo and Jungwon "someone got comfy?" Jungwon walked in with his pjs on and pecked my lips before sitting next to me

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I skipped down to the living room and jumped onto the sofa waiting for Sunoo and Jungwon "someone got comfy?" Jungwon walked in with his pjs on and pecked my lips before sitting next to me.

He picked me up and placed me on his lap before throwing a duvet over us "I love you soo much yk that?" I giggled as he pressed small kisses along the back of my neck "Jungwon~" he didn't stop as I giggled at the ticklish feeling.

"*Exaggerated gasp* already having fun without me?!" We both chuckled as Sunoo walked in sassily with baby pink pjs on "I see how it is" he rolled his eyes and placed the basket of pamper stuff on the floor.

He sat on the other sofa sulking making me giggle and run into his arms "there's no fun without you sunny~" he scoffed and hugged me back "your not wrong" I giggled and dragged him over to Jungwon so the three of us could sit huddled.

Sunoo started to pick out the face masks for us while me and Jungwon were picking a movie when we heard the front door unlock "we're home Yeri~" I giggled as I heard Niki.

The youngest boy ran into the room "there's my short baby~" he ran over to me and pulled me into his arms "aish be careful with her, she's not Bisco" Niki put me down and stuck his tongue out at Jay "yah I'm your hyung!" He rolled his eyes before hugging me.

"How was your day darling?" He pecked my head as I smiled widely "it was boring without you guys" he chuckled and ruffled my hair letting me hug the other boys.

"What you guys doing?" Sunghoon wrapped his arm around my waist "oh we're just having a pamper night" Jake jumped up "I want in!" I giggled but before I could answer Sunoo butted in "no this is a me Jungwon and Yeri thing fuk off" Jake rolled his eyes "I'm going to get into my pjs" he ran off excited as all the other boys followed.

I plopped down next to Sunoo as he was sulking "you sulk too much" he scoffed making me chuckle "come on it'll be fun~" he groaned "I just wanted to have you to myself with Jungwon third wheeling" "yah-" "shush short man" Jungwon threw the finger at Sunoo and went on his phone.

"Come on let's get masks for the other idiots?" He rolled his eyes but agreed as we picked out different ones for all of us.....

Sunoo: strawberry and creamSunghoon: manuka honey Jay: charcoal Heeseung: super fruits Jungwon: advocado Jake: coconut Niki: chocolate orangeMe: tropical cocktail

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Sunoo: strawberry and cream
Sunghoon: manuka honey
Jay: charcoal
Heeseung: super fruits
Jungwon: advocado
Jake: coconut
Niki: chocolate orange
Me: tropical cocktail

I put on the mask for Niki since he's incompetent asf while Sunoo did it for Sunghoon and Jungwon for Jay "are we all good now?" All the boys nodded except Sunghoon "no!" I sighed waiting "I want you snuggling with me~" aish.

"No fare this was my idea to have time with Yeri-ah" Sunoo pouted while Sunghoon grabbed me sitting me on his lap "well too bad" he made a face at Sunoo while he slumped his shoulders "aish Sunoo lay down on my lap" his eyes lit up as he rested his fluffy hair on my lap as I played with it.

We ended up picking to watch all the iron man films cuz why tf not "if I lick the mask will it taste like chocolate orange?" I facepalmed at Nikis stupidity "no please don't kill yourself" he slouched "I'm hungry" I chuckled at his cuteness.

"Hey JayJay can you get some snacks for baby Niks" his face lit up as he followed Jay to the kitchen like an excited puppy making me giggle "what you giggling about?" Sunghoon tilted my head to look at him making me giggle.

"Nothing" he chuckled and was about to kiss me when I stopped him "THE MASK" he rolled his eyes "I want off" I shook my head "no escape love" he groaned and wrapped his arms tighter around my waist.

I helped the boys take off their masks "ah freedom" I slapped Heeseung shoulder "look your skins softer now" he grinned "I think this soft skin needs a kiss?" I chuckled and rolled my eyes as I pressed my lips on his for a short kiss "me too~" I looked up to see Jake pouting "aish fine" I pecked his lips "and meeeee" I looked at Niki pouting.

"Come here giraffe ass" he grinned and crawled up to me and I held his nape pressing his lips on mine "happy?" He nodded as he picked me up placing me between his legs facing the tv and rested his head on my shoulder.

Jungwon crawled over and lay his head on my lap "hey Jagiya~" I giggled and leaned down to peck his lips "hey wonnie" he chuckled and held my nape down for a longer kiss.

I smiled against his lips as he cheekily slipped his tongue in "mhgn won" "aish let her breath" Jay pulled me up and looked at me worried "you okay darling?" I nodded with a smile "yash" I pecked his lips earning a chuckle from him.

I rested my head on Nikis chest as I played with Jungwon and Sunghoons hair as they both rested their head on my lap, Jay and Heeseung were on each side of me while Sunoo and Jake were on the sofa above taking turns to massage my head. This is where I belong.


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