Nishimuras 🐣

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Yeri POV
"NISHIMURA MANIMURA~" I jumped into my boyfriends arms as he chuckled hugging me back "what's with all the excitement?" I shrugged pulling away "I'm just being positive" he chuckled ruffling my hair "I like that about you shorty."

I giggled as he opened the door "m'lady" I rolled my eyes with a smile walking in "Niki" we heard a soft voice looking over to see Nikis mother with red eyes.

I looked up to see Nikis face turn pale "e-eomma" I grabbed his hand squeezing it giving him some sort of reassurance "oh my baby" the elder woman pulled her son into her arms as he immediately accepted it.

"You come here too dear" she pulled me into the hug catching me off guard but nonetheless hugged her feeling the warmth of a mother "I'm weak I know baby, I could've stood up for you but I didn't it's my fault I'm sor-" Niki put his finger on his mums lips "stop apologising, it wasn't your fault."

Her gaze softened before she looked at me "and thank you for looking after my baby" I nodded smiling as she pulled me into a hug "I'm happy to welcome you to our family" I tilted my head smiling "thank you" a tear slipped past my eye "oh shit sorry" I looked away.

She pulled me into her arms "I don't know what your story is but I'm here for you dear" my heart warmed at her motherly presence "Niki I don't know where to start" we looked over to see Nikis father.

Niki stared at the man coldly "you can start with why? 14 years old appa, not even an adult yet, I was pushed away from my home" the elder man looked down "I don't even know how to start, I'm not the wordy type."

Niki looked at me smiling "go to Jay hyung I can take it from here" I look of concern flashed over me "you sure?" He smiled softly nodding "he needs you" I nodded pecking his cheek before leaving.


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