Siblings and family issues ❤️‍🔥

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Yeri POV
I was snuggling with Jake in the living room while watching 'my demon' in tears "awh is my sweetheart crying?" I groaned hiding my face in my boyfriends chest as he chuckled.

He stroked my hair "it's just a drama sweetie" I pulled away "a damn good one" he chuckled wiping my tears when the room started to fill up with the other boys "YOU MADE HER CRY!!??!?!" Jungwon pulled me away hugging me.

Jakes face dropped "yah I didn't do shit, it was the drama" he pouted as I giggled in Jungwons arms "still you shouldn't have let her watch something that would make her this upset" the older rolled his eyes as I snuggled up to Jungwon.

"How come your all here?" They all snuggled up on the sofa "we just wanna have a movie night with our gorgeous girl" Jay winked making my face turn red "shut up" he chuckled plopping next to me and Jungwon.

We started watching 'strong girl bong soon' when Heeseung paused the drama "yah they were about to kiss~" he chuckled at my whining "if a kiss is what you wanna see then me and Sunoo can do that for you angel" Sunghoon made a kissy face at Sunoo who displayed a disgusted look "ew stay away you homosexual rat" the elder rolled his eyes as I giggled.

"Anyways why'd you pause hyung?" Niki pouted as I giggled pecking his cute lips making him jump up like a puppy "thanks shorty" I rolled my eyes as he chuckled.

"Heedo hyung text me" the boys all seemed to understand while I tilted my head confused "who's that?" Heeseungs gaze softened "its my older brother love" my mouth formed an 'o' as Jay squeezed my cheeks mumbling a 'cutie'.

"Anyways what did hyung text for?" Jungwon raised a brow interested "him and the rest of our siblings text asking to meet our dear Yeri so I wanted to ask if it'd be okay if I invited them over next Saturday for a barbecue only if that's okay with you princess?" All my boys waited for my reply as I smiled "I'd love that guys."

The eldest clapped his hands "great I'll text them now" he was about to play the film when I stopped him "tell me about your siblings, I wanna know who's who" they all smiled softly nodding.

"Okay so let's go in age order to make it easier for you, I have an older brother Heedo" my eyes widened "and I thought you were the oldest being in existence" he scoffed letting Jay continue "I don't have any siblings, spoilt only child" I chuckled "it shows" he rolled his eyes "okay are you gonna listen or bully us?" I giggled going silent.

Jake....... "I got an older brother Jackson hyung" Sunghoon........ "I told you about little Yeji" Sunoo...... "noona Sunmi is my twin but a minute older" Jungwon....... "My older sister is the star child of our family, noona Jeemin" Niki....... "I'm the middle child, noona Konon is married and little Misola is still a baby" and now to wait for the big day.

It's finally the day I meet my boyfriends family and I was stressingggggggg "hey Jagiya you okay?" I turned to see Jungwon smiling at me worried "yeah just a bit nervous" he smiled softly putting his arms out "come here love."

I melted in my boyfriends touch as he rest his chin on my head "they're gonna love you Jagiya, I mean your a very lovable person" I giggled as we pulled away and he held my face "I love you" he pressed his lips on my forehead "I love you too won-ah" he ruffled my hair "now get ready while I help set up" I nodded getting changed into something cute.....

I melted in my boyfriends touch as he rest his chin on my head "they're gonna love you Jagiya, I mean your a very lovable person" I giggled as we pulled away and he held my face "I love you" he pressed his lips on my forehead "I love you too won-a...

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I sent a pic to Eun Chae before going down to my boys "JayJay~" I wrapped my arms back hugging my boyfriend who chuckled "hey darling, you look stunning" I giggled as he pecked my lips.

I looked around the garden "you guys have really done a great job, need any help with anything" he shook his head "you just sit there and look pretty" I rolled my eyes with a smile as I sat watching my sexy boyfie start the bbq.

"Hey there my little flowery girl" I giggled as Niki wrapped his arms around my shoulders lifting my head up "hey my cute giraffe" he chuckled before leaning down to press his lips on mine.

A smile grew on my lips as I kissed my boyfriend Spider-Man style reminding me of my first date with Jake, he sucked on my bottom lip "woah keep it pg" we pulled away to see some unfamiliar girls.

"Stfu granny, where's Keeho hyung?" Who tf? "He's on a business trip" I looked between the three confused as Niki hugged them making me somewhat jealous as I pulled him back earning a chuckle from him "these are just my sisters love" my eyes popped. Oops.

"So this is the famous Yeri?" I put my hand out to shake but was pulled into a warm hug "I'm Konon" I hugged back before hugging the younger sister "so that's makes you Misola?" The younger girl nodded "you can call me sola."

I smiled softly when I felt Nikis hands snaked around my waist "Niki idk how you did it but you got one S.E.X.Y woman" I giggled at Solas compliment as I felt Nikis hold on me tighten "yeah well she's taken lesbo" the younger rolled her eyes while I chuckled at the siblings.

We were interrupted by an older man "HYUNG?!!??" Heeseung ran over to the older male hugging him before walking over to us "this is our girlfriend" I shook hands with the older "I'm Heedo" I smiled "nice to meet the only being older than hee" I giggled as Heeseung squeezed my waist "don't bully me princess" I rolled my eyes with a smile as I talked to the elder Lee.

I was dragged away by Sunoo "what you doing Sunny?~" I giggled as he finally stopped "Noona see I wasn't lying, I have a cute gf" I blushed as I bowed to the older Kim "lovely to meet the more attractive Kim" I hugged the girl as she chuckled.

"Your mine still" Sunoo pulled me away playfully glaring at me as I giggled before my eyes moved to another figure "I'm Jungwons noona" she hugged me "you really are on a different level, how is my brother to your standards?!" I giggled shaking my head as the said boy hugged me from behind "she really is above all of us, but we love her."

I smiled softly as he pecked me cheeks before hugging his sister "now stop flirting with my gf noona" the elder chuckled at Jungwons possessive tone "it's not her fault you two snatched up a pretty one" the male Yang and Kim rolled there eyes at the two girls.

I was talking to the Yangs and Kim's when I felt a hand on my wrist "imma just borrow this cutie for a sec" Jake dragged me to the kitchen where another male stood "sweetie I want you to meet my brother, hyung this is Yeri" the elder went in for a hug before Jake pulled me away "don't get too close hyung."

The other shook his head at his younger brother chuckling "I'm Jackson" I nodded smiling "ooh your accent, can you two speak in English?" The two brothers shared an amused look before conversing in English making my eyes turn into hearts over their Aussie accents "it's like listening to Chris Hemsworth but Korean."

They chuckled as Jake tilted his head "simping for Thor? Tsk sweets now I'm have to remind you who you belong to" he was about to kiss me when I put my hand on his mouth "no YOUR brother is here, have some shame" he rolled his eyes as the elder boy chuckled.

I was talking to the two aussies when my ears moved to a little girls voice "hoonie I wanna see her~" I turned to see Sunghoon with a young girl in the hallway "I'll be back Jakey" I pecked his cheek before walking to the two.

"You must be Yeji?" The two turned to me "omg and your Yeri unnie?" The excited girl hugged me "wah your soo much prettier in real life" I tilted my head at Sunghoon confused.

My boyfriend scratched his nape shyly "I may have shown her some pictures" my heart softened as I rested my head on his shoulder "that's cute hoonie" before he could respond we were interrupted by a squeal "you guys are soooooooo cute."

The two of us turned red at the little girls compliment "let's go to the garden my two little Ys" I furrowed my brows while chuckling at his weird nickname as we walked to the garden.

Everyone gathered in the garden, Jay Heeseung Sunghoon talking to Heedo and Jackson, Sunoo and Niki talking to Jeemin Sunmi and Konon while me and Jungwon were chatting to Yeji and Misola since the two were more around my age, I looked around with a smile. Everything was perfect, what could go wrong?



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