Confession ❤️

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Yeri POV
I furrowed my brows at the sudden seriousness from the usual silly boys "what's going on guys?" I felt a sense of worry fill through my body "it's nothing bad Yeri-ah" Sunghoon squeezed my hand reassuringly.

"Sit" I obeyed Jungwon as the seven stood in front of me "however you react to this news we don't expect anything from you okay? Be completely honest" did I do something wrong?

Heeseung took a deep breath and looked at the boys before opening his mouth "Yeri we........we like you" okay that was unexpected, my mouth dropped as I looked at each of them "a-all off you?" They nodded shyly.

I sat back taking in this sudden confession I mean I did get the vibe off a few of them but thought nothing of it but all off

I looked up at them "so you want me to pick one of you guys?" I really didn't want to do that, they all mean soo much to me "no no we've actually talked about it and if you'll accept us we want to all date you" okay WHAT?!?!

My eyes widened as big as the fukin moon "eh?" Niki let out a laugh as everyone looked at him "what? She's cute" omg my HeARtEU "well anyways haven't you heard of poly relationships?" I tilted my head at Sunoo.

"Okay you really were held away from the real world" I glared at Niki but before he could tease further Sunoo continued "it's basically when you date multiple people" my mouth formed an 'o' "so you don't just wanna date me but each other?" So they're bi?

They all looked at each other disgusted "ew no in our case we just wanna date you" I nodded at Jake embarrassed "I mean I don't mind Jagiya~" Niki made a kissy face at Jay as he backed away disgusted "ew keep your distance" I giggled at the two idiots.

"So what do you say? You don't have to answer now and if you reject us it's perfectly fine it's all up to you" Jesus Jungwon talk about pressure, I took a deep breath before answering "I'm not sure of my feelings" they looked disappointed "that's fine angel-" "I'm not done" Sunghoons lips turned into a line as he let me continue.

I sighed before opening my mouth "I think I do like you guys but I don't wanna rush into anything so what I propose is that I go on a date of each of you starting from youngest to oldest and by the end of those seven days I'll give you an answer" they seemed pleased with that "okay darling is tomorrow good day for your first date?" I smiled at Jay and nodded. Let's see where this takes me.


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