Snuggles or more? 🔞

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Yeri POV
After Mia was dead Jake and Sunghoon took me to my room, Sunghoon carried me placing me on my bed smiling sweetly "the boys will clean up, today was a long day rest" Jake pecked my forehead and was about to leave with Sunghoon "stay!"

The two turned around with smug looks jumping on my bed "of course sweets" I rolled my eyes at Jakes flirty tone "let's cuddle" I nodded excitedly at Sunghoon before I got up to get changed into something comfy.......

The two turned around with smug looks jumping on my bed "of course sweets" I rolled my eyes at Jakes flirty tone "let's cuddle" I nodded excitedly at Sunghoon before I got up to get changed into something comfy

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I walked out and the two boys stared at me with teasing looks "what?" I pouted as I sat on the bed again "Winnie the Pooh?" I nodded with furrowed brows "Sunny gave me it!" The two chuckled.

I snuggled up in between the two as I faced Jake his arms around me and Sunghoon behind me resting his face in my hair sniffing it with a hum "your soo beautiful sweetie" Jake leaned down pressing our lips together.

He sucked on my bottom lip eliciting a slight moan from me, I felt Sunghoons warm lips place themselves on my neck as the two boys hovered over me "J-Jake" he hmed as his tongue slipped in and out of my mouth.

"C-can we do more than a um k-kiss?" The two pulled back sharing a look before smirking "oh course angel but not all the way" I nodded with a shy smile as Sunghoon pecked my cheek.

The two continued but swapping places as Sunghoon slipped his tongue in my mouth while Jakes hands roamed my body with his plump lips on my collarbone.

My Winnie Pooh top was disregarded by Jake as the two stared at my exposed chest.

Edit: deleted smut cuz it weird writing smut ab Enhypen, I apologise for writing in the first place I was just a horny teen 🤮

My two boyfriends sat either side of me peppering me with kisses "let's clean up angel, you did great" Sunghoon ruffled my hair as Jake picked me up to shower together. How will the others react.


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