Day with Jungwon 🐱

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Yeri POV
I was reading a book in my room when I heard a knock at the door "come in" a little lost kitten peaked his head in making me giggle at his cuteness "hey Jungwonie" he smiled widely and waddled to my bed.

"Ready for a day with me~" I giggled and nodded as he chuckled "I wanna ask what you have planned but imma assume it's a 'surprise'?" he chuckled and nodded as I sighed giving up on theses boys.

"Okay get ready and meet me at the front door" I nodded as he pat my head and left me, I decided to go with a cute but casual outfit and some light cutesy makeup.........

I walked to the front door to find Jungwon waiting for me "should we go Jagiya?" My eyes widened as I tried to surpress the blush growing on my cheeks "shut up" he chuckled and held my hand leading us to his car

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I walked to the front door to find Jungwon waiting for me "should we go Jagiya?" My eyes widened as I tried to surpress the blush growing on my cheeks "shut up" he chuckled and held my hand leading us to his car......

I walked to the front door to find Jungwon waiting for me "should we go Jagiya?" My eyes widened as I tried to surpress the blush growing on my cheeks "shut up" he chuckled and held my hand leading us to his car

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"Wah soo shiny" I clapped my hands like a child eliciting a chuckle from my counter part, we got in the car and drove to wherever the fuk Jungwon plans on taking me.

My eyes sparkled as I looked at where Jungwon was leading us to "a baking class?" He nodded shyly "I thought it'd be fun" I grinned at his cuteness and pinched his cheeks "your soo cute Jungwonie" he chuckled shyly as I saw a hint of blush spread on his cheeks.

We walked in with the bell ringing as the door opened "ah good morning you must be here for the baking class?" We nodded as the lady at the front desk spoke to us.

"Follow me" she led us into this other room where all these cute couples waited behind a counter, she brought us to our counter and left us "good morning everyone today we're gonna bake some Victoria sponge cake" YES MY FAV.

The ingredients were placed in front of us "first pour 250g of flour into the large bowl and 2 tsp of baking powder" I placed the large bowl in front of us "wonie can you measure the flour" he smiled and nodded as he followed my instructions while I did the baking powder.

I mixed the two ingredients while the teacher spoke again "then measure 250g of white sugar and pour while we bring the butter" Jungwon passed me the bowl while I measured the sugar.

The teacher poured the butter in for us while we mixed "now crack 4 eggs" I handed Jungwon two eggs while I did the other two "oops" I looked down to see Jungwon had dropped not just one but both the eggs.

I looked at him deadpanned before I lightly punched his arm "Jungwon~" he chuckled shyly while I pouted and called for new eggs, we eventually cracked the eggs and by we I mean me cuz Jungwon can not be trusted 🤦‍♀️.

"Finally 1 tsp vanilla extract and mix" Jungwon picked up the vanilla extract and carefully poured it on the tsp, I looked at his focused face as a smile grew on my lips at his cutnesss "what?" I shook my head while he looked at me confused.

We mixed the batter and put in the oven "okay now the whipped cream" I picked up the cream and sugar and poured the right amount in the bowl before picking up the mixer.

I put it on high assuming it'd be fine but nope "owh" some cream splattered on my face but luckily just a little, I stood frozen while Jungwon cleaned the cream off my face "and I thought I was clumsy" I punched his arm as he chuckled cheekily.

I picked up the whisk again but before I turned it on I felt two large arms on either side of me helping me mix, my body heated up as I felt my back press on Jungwons abs.

We slowly mixed the sugar and cream "easy" his head rests next to my ear making me blush but he couldn't see thankfully, we finished off and Jungwon scooped some cream on his finger and put in front of my mouth.

I raised a brow while he chuckled at my confusion "taste" I made an 'o' with my mouth and licked the cream off his fingers "mhm~" he chuckled as I closed my eyes in glee.

We tidied up and put the cream and Jam on our cake before we got it boxed off my the teacher "there ya go, hope you had fun" I smiled at her as I accepted the box but she didn't leave.

"You two make a cute couple" my eyes widened as I was about to correct her but Jungwon wrapped his arm around my waist with a cheeky smirk "thank you, we'll be sure to come back for your other lessons" I stayed quiet as she left us with a smile.

We walked out the bakery and I couldn't stop smiling to myself "you know the boys are gonna finish this in a day" I chuckled and nodded as we got into the car.

I looked at Jungwon and held his hand "today was really fun wonie, thanks" his gaze softened as he smiled and pressed a kiss to my cheek "anything for you Jagiya" aish he did it again.


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