Chapter One: Summer

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I looked at my alarm clock; it was 1:10 pm. I got out of bed and danced around.


Omg! I have to get ready! Brandon invited me over to his house for the first time!!!

I went to take a shower, brushed my teeth, and went in my closet.

Hm... hard choice, okay I wore that already, and that, and that, and that, ugh and that, oooohhhh this is cute me likey! I grabbed it and put it on.

It was a a light pink dress designed with white stars. I grabbed my badge flats and put on my clear lip gloss.

I didnt add make-up; it was just meeting. I grabbed my purse and phone then left.

I walked to Brandon house hoping I wasn't too late. When I got there, I saw the whole gang there (and by gang I mean Brandon, Marcus, Theo, Chloe and Zoey NOT Mackenzie or Jessica) I came in and sat down.

"Am I late?" I asked Zoey.

"Nope, just in time," she smiled.

"Okay, is everyone here?" Brandon asked with a clipboard in his hand.

"Yes!" We all replied.

"Let me check. If I call your name, please say yes."

Nikki: yes!

Chloe: yes

Zoey: yes

Theo: yes dude!

Marcus: yes!

Jessica: yes!

Macknezie: brandon!

We all looked at her like she was crazy.

I swear this girl.

"What did you say?" I ask.

"Brandon..." she repeated slowly.

"Uhh... I said to say yes...." Brandon stared at her; she just looked at her nails.

"By the way, you saved the best for last," she smirked, totally ignoring his comment.

Brandon rolled his eyes and continued, "Okay guys! I been thinking, for the whole summer we can do truth or dare!"

Everyone clapped. That sounds fun, no lie.

"We already have a list of Truth or Dare questions to survive the whole summer. You gotta do it or you won't have a prize at the end," Brandon explained.

"Whats the prize dude?" Marcus asked.

"Its a suprise!" Brandon did jazz hands. We nodded.

"Tomorrow remember to come back here at the same time so we can get started."

We nodded, "This meeting is over!"

We all packed our stuff up and left.

I can't wait for tomorrow!

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