Truth Or Dare: Dare *Party*

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A new day. I am so happy. Apparently, today is the party. And I got a date. Im going to invite a friend over; she is my old friend. She is coming to the party with me.

I know, I know, its suppose to be me and Marcus, but she is just going to enjoy herself; I can't send her back.

Her name is Katy by the way.

Whoopsie! I gotta go get ready. I went to take a shower then brushed my teeth. I put on my clothes and then heard the sound of the doorbell. I already knew who it is.......Katy!

I grabbed my phone and purse then rushed downstairs. I just jumped from the last three stairs and opened the door.

"Hey girlfriend!" She exclaimed

"OMG hey bff!" I exclaimed then gave a big hug,"lets go! I'm on my way to my friends house."


So basically we just talked about my new friends and catched up with each other.

"Are you kidding?" I asked in disbelief.

"Nope, Ms.Star is still the ruler of the school," she replied.

"I always hated that girl.... its only because she is rich and have a bunch of friends," I rolled my eyes.

Katy shrugged, "do you have any popular girls at the school?"

"Yup! Her name is Mackenzie.... she will do anything to get on your skin," I warned.

Katy nodded.

I opened the door to Brandon house; everyone was there but had confused looks on their faces. Oh I forgot Katy was here. Talk nikki!

"Uhh sorry I am late.... but this is my old friend from my old school, her name is Katy," I introduced her.

Everyone said hi or waved at her.

"Katy thats...Zoey, Chloe, Marcus, Theo, Mackenzie, Jessica, and Brandon," I introduced them to her.

"Hi!" She exclaimed but quite nervously.

"She is joining us today for the party, so deal with it..." I said playfully.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay can we get this over with?" Mackenzie rushed, "I have to find an outfit and get my new lip gloss from the store for the party."

Katy just stared at her. I shook my head.

"We are doing one dare today," Brandon mentioned.

We spined the bottle, it landed on...... me! Ugh!!! Why?!?!?!

Chloe had to read it, but she gave Katy her spot to read it. It said:

"I dare you to tell us one of your deep darkest secrets."

Everyone went "ooooohh..." 

The first one was that I liked Brandon, but not anymore; I'm over him. But the second one is... I go to WCD on a exterminator scholarship. I prefer the first one.

Everyone was waiting for an answer. Of course I wanted to give it to them, but its embarrassing. Its a dare soooo... a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do. I have to admit I liked Brandon.

"Well, I used to like.... umm..... Brandon," I said.

Everyone gasped, except Chloe and Zoey. Brandon was suprised.

"I said USED TO!" I pointed out.

It was just that I liked brandon and I didn't want anyone to know.

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