Truth or Dare: Jail

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I am in a little cell with just a toliet that is so public, and a little bed that looks like it can break. And a used up toothbrush along with a dirty sink. I hate this place!

Apparently, they called my parents a few hours ago about my bad behavior, and they have to come and pick me up. Not only that, I am banned from the hotel and my mom and dad have to pay for the destruction I had made.

Let's just say they were furious, but agreed anyway. I sighed and sat on the floor. Then I thought back to the person who did this.


Only because I didn't forgive her, she decided to get those security guards to get me. Its like she planned it all out. I mean she wants me out of truth or dare. I guess I am out.... I got caught which was not what I wanted to do or happen, but.... Yeah that happened.

The door swung open and I looked up and saw my parents. I stood up, and went to the gate. I looked at the police officer, getting the keys to unlock me.

As soon as I got out, he whispered, " you shouldn't have done that missy"

I rolled my eyes and walked to my furious parents. My mom told them she will mail a check to them for the damage, then we left. I was in for a big lecture.

As soon as I closed the door, my mom screamed. Here we go....


My dad rubbed her back to calm her down, " why nikki?" He asked. My eyes snapped towards him.

" why what?" I ask, quite rudely.

" why did you do it? Why would you ruin a expensive hotel and you know you will get caught? Why?"

" It was a dare" I mutter, not getting into detail.

It was quiet then, and I was glad. They drove to the hotel so I can get my stuff. I didn't a word when I got out, I walked towards the hotel and went inside. No one saw me, so I went to my room and heard voices there.

It was everyone, and they seemed mad. I opened the room door and walked straight to my bag. Everyone looked at me suprised.

"NIKKI!!!!" Both chloe and zoey yelled. They hugged me but I didn't hug back. I was upset, I saw Justice and wanted to snap her neck, but I just continued doing what I had to do.

" what's wrong? Why are you getting your bags for?" Chloe ask.

" Im leaving, my parents are outside waiting, and I am ban. Just in case you don't know, I ended up in jail" I say with no emotion.

I was just so pissed off right now.

Everyone gasped, they didn't even know.

" What happened?" Brandon asked me, when I started for the bathroom to get my stuff.

" ask your girlfriend" I growled, stuffing my things in there. Brandon frowned.

" justice did this?" He asked in disbelief.

I grabbed my bags and darted toward the door, but before I left I explained everything.

" She called security on me, only because I didn't forgive her for everything she done to me. So now I went to jail, my parents had to pay for the damage and bail me out. Okay?"

They were all shocked. I left the hotel but before saying, " I am out of truth and dare" then left.

I went to my parents car, puting my bags there. I sighed and looked at the window.

I am out of truth and dare for good. And with that, I felt asleep.

Nikki is out of truth and dare now. And it's all justice fault. Wasn't this a nice update? I have something to say, my new story I had made, only 10 people read it. Now I know, so there is only 10 people reading my author notes. Guys, if I don't start getting people to read my story, I will delete that book. And it was starting to get interesting.

Anyways thanks for everything, dont be a ghost reader





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