Truth Or Dare: Dare

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I lazily got out of bed and got ready. I wasnt looking forward to today, yesterday was horrible and i dont want to run into brett. I can be single with 10 cats in my house, yes.... sounds like a plan!

I walked over to brandon, praying not to run into brett. Well guess what? What i didnt wish for came true!

Brett was listening to music and walking, looks like he is clearing his mind. As soon as he spot me, he powered walked. I felt like turning around and running away but i couldnt he already saw me.

I just looked away and kept walking.

" nikki wait!" He shouted.



Yeah pretty much, nikki give the guy a chance!

No! Why?

He might have a good reason just do it!


You little stubborn girl!

Im not listening to him!

Okay whatever you say, but shut up with the crying!

You are annoying!

Shut up and talk!




I faced brett with an angry expression.

" what do YOU want?" I tapped my feet harshly against the ground.

" nikki, look what you heard wasnt-"

" what?? You moved on brett i thought we were friends! Buddies!" I interrupted him.

" nikki i-"

" save it! Just, just, just, just leave me alone" i walked away. I left him there speechless and sad.

Everytime i think about what happened, i would cry. It hurts alot, i just wanna be alone for awhile.

I reached brandon house and sat at the end of the couch. We spined the bottle, it landed on.......MACKENZIE!

Zoey had to read it, it said:

" i dare you to go on the streets and do the harlem shake/ gangman style for 30 minutes"

" ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh" we all said.

" why can't ikki do it?" She whined.

She smirked at me evily, i felt like slapping some senses into her. I just rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest.

We brought the camera outside and videocord her. She went on the streets and started doing to harlem shake. Can you say horrible?


What the?

Sorry Mackenzie is horrible at doing the harlem shake

Tell me about it

Yeah i know

Whats your name?


Cool, hi

Hi, im like a mini version of you

Thats awesome!

I know right!

Why do you appear randomly?

Its my job!

Okay.... weird..... but okay

Yeah anyway.... OMG look at her now she is doing the gangman style

I looked at Mackenzie, she is twice as worse at doing the gangman style.

Yup she is!


We could talk later gotta go to chloe and zoey house

Wait, what?

Yeah i am! We are best friends anyways bye!

Okay thats creepy but have fun!

Oh and nikki?


Call me if you need to talk i am always here :)

Thanks bye!


Wow! My conscious is really nice, anyways i finished watched mackenzie do the gangman style.

1 hour later...

" finally im done!" Mackenzie panted.

" yeah you are..." i giggled.

" whats up with you?" She asked in disgust.

" oh nothing.... its just that you spent an hour dancing more like ruining my eyes" i smirked.

" what? It was suppose to be thirty?"

" exactly!" I kept the smirk on my face.

" IM GOING TO KILL YOU IKKI!!!" She said in a deep voice.

We all laughed, " it wasnt my idea!" I shrugged, " you will pay maxwell!" She ignored my previous comment.

She marched inside then sat down applying lip gloss.



Mackenzie is banned from lip gloss and makeup!

Oh yeah! She is out!

Tell on her

Okay she needs to stay out anyways!

Good now go!

I went to brandon and whispered what Mackenzie was doing in his ear then he immediately went over to her.

I saw her argue with then she left. I was laughing while she argued, i was happy she left, now that the witch is out i need to get witch number 2 out. Hey im not evil!

We spined the bottle, it landed on......... BRANDON!!!!

I had to read it, it said:

" i dare you to prank one of your friends in this very room, you shall not tell but surprise them >:)"

Brandon smirked at me, OH LORD HE IS GONNA GET ME PROBABLY!!!

I smiled weakly then turned away. This is going to be quite a day!

Do you guys think Brandon is gonna prank her? Hm... tell in the comments! And guys i will love for you guys to tell me truth or dare questions and you will be part of it, just do it for me. Help me with this! Thank you guys for who every did it, and im gratefully for the reads. You guys are the best! Here hersheys for everybody!!! * hands hershey* YAY!!! I love chocolate!!! Anyways dont forget to,






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