Truth Or Dare: Dares

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I got up and got ready. I was the first one up and ready but as soon as I finished, everyone woke up. In the meantime, I sat down and watched TV.

" Brandon just texted me, he said meet them at the cafe so we can have breakfast" justice announce.

We all nodded then grabbed our stuff and left. The cafe wasnt very far, it was quite close to us. We went inside and scanned the room for the boys. And that's when we found them, laughing at something.

I sat by Marcus, then chloe, zoey, and Jessica took the other seats. I think you know where justice sat. We ordered what we wanted then waited. I grabbed my phone to look for any messages, and I did get one, from my mom. It said:

Mom: hey sweetie, how are you? Everyone over here is good, please text me back when you get the chance, okay? Love you, bye!

Me: hey mom eating some breakfast right now.... are you asleep?

Mom: thank goodness, nope I am up. Im making some breakfast

Me: cool.... well where is brianna and dad?

Mom: brianna is up stairs with her friend and your dad is reading the newspaper

Me: okay

Mom: talk to you later! I have to go! Bye sweetheart!

Me: bye mom!

Mom: love you!

Me: love you too!!!

I checked my other messages unread. The other one was from Brett. What does this dude want? It said:

Brett: hey nikki!

Brett: how are u?

Brett: im good... thanks for asking

Brett: note the sarcasm

Brett: sooo..... What u doin?

Brett: im texting u and watching TV

Brett: im bored

Brett: can u text back?

Brett: I told u I am sorry

Brett: she made me do it!

Brett: gosh u are so meeeeaaaann

Brett: no wonder she hates u....

Brett: oops I am sorry, I didn't mean that, I'm just mad

Brett: pleaseee text back we can be friends.again

Brett: oh well, I will text your friend, what's her name again?

Brett: I will look it up.later

Brett: I will not stop until u text me

Brett: im waiting

Brett: still waiting

Brett: in 5 seconds u should text me back

Brett: okay, ready?

Brett: 5

Brett: 4

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