Truth or Dare: Universal Studios Part 2

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We went to the hotel to check in and drop our bags there. We got ready there in the meantime too. I was sitting down on the bed, looking around watching everyone. Chloe and Zoey suggested for me to calm down since what happened a few hours ago.

I'm not going to lie, i still feel like punching Mackenzie straight in the jaw, but let me refrain. School is on Monday. And its my last time to relax. I have to enjoy it. Soon, i hear Bettie yelling for us to get back on the road so we can go to Universal Studios.

We all pile up in the car. We went back to our normal seats. It was quiet in the car; the only sound you can hear was the faint sound of the radio in the background.

Chloe and Zoey were whispering to each other secretly, i will find out about that later. Marcus was talking to Jessica; both of them were giggling and laughing. Weirdos.

Mackenzie, being the usual, was adding another layer of lip gloss, and Brandon was playing games on his phone.

I was looking out the window, daydreaming until i felt the car come to a halt. We arrived at the one and only... Universal Studios. It took us awhile to park, since it was crowded. We got out the car and waited for Bettie to give us directions.

"Okay guys. Here is the plan. I thought about us staying together but i decided to let you live a little free. At," she looked at her watch, "9:30 meet me back here, at the front gate."

We all nodded. She gave us our tickets so we can check in.

"Make sure your phones are on. And pair up. You can't go alone," she warns. Immediately we start to pair up.

Chloe and Zoey, Marcus and Jessica, and Theo and Mackenzie. It only left me and Brandon. Chloe and Zoey went over to me.

"Sorry, we didnt pick you Nikki," Chloe says with pity.

"Yeah, next time," Zoey smiles sadly. I shrug my shoulders. I walk over to Brandon, waiting for him so we can go.

Marcus and Jessica left already, but Theo and Mackenzie were there. They looked like they were arguing. I walked closer to hear there argument.

"I don't want to be your partner! I want to be with Brandon!" Mackenize whines.

Theo rolls his eyes, "Mackenzie... please can we go?"

Mackenize starts to growl, "NO WAY!!!"

Theo groans and walk away, "I'm finding a new partner."

Mackenzie smirks. She did this on purpose. Theo walks over to Bettie to become her partner. I think Bettie said yes because they started to walk away with each other.

If no one else here and we have to pair up, that means...

"Hey Brandon! Look who is your new partner!" She exclaims.

I gasp. She did this to be partners with Brandon!

Brandon looked up and gasped in shock, "i'm with Nikki, sorry mack."

"But i have no partner, you cant leave me alone, now can you?" She bats her eyelashes.

Brandon sighs in defeat. I clear my throat to get his attention.

"Can we go? We have rides to attend to," I say. Brandon nods and we make our way to the gate. Mackenzie was all over him, holding his hand, leaning against his arm, while staring up at him with her goo goo eyes. Was i jealous? No, not one bit.

We got to the gate and gave them our tickets to enter. Mackenzie was still clinging onto him. I grabbed a map and looked over the rides.

"Want to go to the Shrek ride?" I ask, pointing at it. They nod. We stood in the waiting room and waited for the group that went inside to come out.

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