Truth Or Dare: Scared

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I got home with an scared expression on my face, brandon might actually prank me, this is crazy!

I need to get my mind off of this and text someone. Ooooohhh katy! Ever since she left i didnt get a chance with all the drama in my life to text her.

I grabbed my phone out and started texting her:

Me: hey katy! Long time no seen

Katy: hey nikki! Forreal

Me: how are you?

Katy: good how about you?

Me: im alright i guess... :/

Katy: whats up?

Me: drama

Katy: with who?

Me: friends... i dont know its brett i guess.

Katy: oh the guy you always talk about that you really like?

Me: yeah him...

Katy: how about the other one? Well you know the smokin hot one >:)

Me: brandon?

Katy: yes that one!

Me: KATY!!!

Katy: lol

Me: lol

Katy: so whats up with you and brett?

Me: he just been a jerk.... nothing more

Katy: not the answer i was looking for but okay.... :S

Me: sorry just wanted to check up on you!

Katy: well im fine.... and im happy you texted me! :D

Me: yeah me too.... anyways i gotta go! See ya later

Katy: okay bye!

I was happy i checked on her, i was bored so i flipped threw some channels.

Spongebob wasnt on so i went on teenick and decided to watch Victorious.

" trina you are so annoying...." i shook my head in disgust.

Thats when brianna bursted in my room, " ever heard of knocking?" I groaned.

" no but i dont want to find out!" She giggled.

I rolled my eyes, " what do you want brat?" I asked clearly annoyed.

" mom and dad arent here, they said you have to babysit" she smiled picking up a note.

I grabbed it from her then read it, it said:

" hey nikki, its me mom. Umm.... your dad and i went shopping for the scrap book thats for Family Fun Time. Plzz... watch brianna, we will pay you 15$ thanks sweetie and also we are going out to eat so we will be back at 11:30 the latest. See ya soon! :) and if you want a raise up for the amount of money you getting now then take brianna out to the park. Your raise will be up to 20$ thats an extra 5$ anyways bye sweetie enjoy! :)"

I groaned in frustration, brianna shrugged then sat on my bed. " nikki, im hungry!" She whined, " can i get a new phone?" I asked, " no" she simply replied. " then no!" I shouted and continued watching the show playing on my TV.

" then i will make lunch myself!" She huffed and marched out.

I shruggxxxed and watched my show.

12 minutes later...

" whats brianna doing??" I thought.

When i smelt the air, i smelled..........FIRE!!!

I rushed downstairs and tripped a couple of times. Then i couldnt believe my eyes!

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