Truth or Dare: Brandon P.O.V.

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I sighed, lost into my own world, what is going on? Every since justice came, things been crazy. A lot of my friends started hating me, telling me she isn't perfect or right for me. It breaks my heart. But I love justice. I just didn't tell her yet.

Justice can't be doing this, she is an angel. But nikki said she was the reason why she went to jail, causing her to get banned and not be in truth or dare any more.

This isn't the same justice I knew. I just, I just wish thing were back to normal.

" What you thinking about?" Justice ask me, noticing my lack of talking.

"Nothing" I lied. Of course she would notice my white lie.

"You're lying...." She muttered. I shrug and look at theo and Jessica talking, and Marcus trying to steal theo away from her.

"Can I talk to you?" She ask, looking into my brown eyes.

"Sure, let's go to your room" I say, getting up. She nods and gets up.

"Um... guys, we coming back, alright?" I told them, then left.

We walked to her room, it was quiet, like their was tension in the air. I knew something was wrong.

As soon as we got there, I ask her, " what do you want to talk about?"

She sighs and tells me to sit. I sit on her bed and look up at her, waiting for her to talk.

She took a deep breath, "It was me brandon, I made nikki go to jail, I called security to take her away, only because she didn't want to forgive me" she says.

I was shocked. She admit it, and I was in denial. I couldn't believe my Angel did this. I had to process her words.

"Why?" I croaked out.

She say on the bed, taking my hands into hers. "For us baby, we can have this prize for ourselves, I can get chloe and zoey out next along with Jessica, then Marcus and theo. And we will be the only one standing, we can go where you chose to go for us" she says, her eyes lighting up. Was she serious?

"NO!!! Are you going mad? I am not doing that, especially not to my friends" I shout. This wasn't justice.

"Come on baby, you need to breathe, think it through. I know it's been hard but this could be us. Think about it, well lets go back so we can start. I want an answer by tomorrow. Its either your friends or me" and with that she left the room.

I sighed heavily, I had to do something about this. Is she really making me choose? I only did one thing I can think of. I got my phone out and called the only one person I can think of....

It was....

Cliffhanger! Ha! Sorry I didnt update yesterday but here is brandon perspective.

Do me a favor? Go in the comments and predict who brandon called?

Don't be a ghost reader...





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