Truth Or Dare: Dare

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I got home, i grabbed a knife and sat by the window. Looking outside seeing everyone happy. But me.

Something kept telling me, do it! do it! DO IT! I put the knife in my chest and took a deep breath.

" you can do this nikki" i whispered to my self. Then something stopped me.

" NIKKI NO!" An anonymous voice said. I turned around and saw Justice. An old friend of mine, she is my old best friend from my school.

Everyone is coming and is visiting me now.

Tears rolled down my cheeks. I dropped the knife and ran to hug her. She hugged me back. I felt tears fall on my shoulder, i know she was crying.

" nikki dont kill yourself! This isnt 6th grade" she chuckled lightly.


" look at you! You are so ugly, you wimp, i mean are you a hobo? I mean it in the nicest way. Ha! Look at her face, its okay crybaby. Why dont you jump in the lake?" Maria made fun of me.

I ran to my locker releasing all my tears, i have to do it. I have to die. Im sick and tired of being bullied. Its the time.

I went in the kitchen and stole the biggest knife there. I locked myself in the stall crying for a good 25 minutes. I said bye to everyone i know then i put the knife in my chest almost pushing it inside me.but justice and katy bursted open the stall and grabbed the knife from me while we sat there crying.

It was that day i promise i wont kill myself.

* Flashback end.

I cried at the moment, thinking about that moment makes me sad. Justice hold me tight, " its alright" she cooed. " no its not! I almost killed my self" i wiped my tears.

" nikki if i didnt come in you would of been be dead" justice let out a cry.

" im sorry i just cant take it anymore!" I buried my face in my hands.

" its okay, you were alive when i walked in here thats good" she smiled.

" i dont know what to do, bullying is horrible" i sobbed.

" i know, but bullies only hurt themselves when they do that" she shrugged.

I looked at her, " for real?"

" yeah" she giggled, " they do, when you left the school.... maria admit she was your hater everyone hate her now"

" whoa! Dang i have a hater!" I smile.

" yes you do!" She shoved me playfully.

" what to do? Who to talk to?" I asked, " dont talk to me nikki!" She put her hands up in defense.

I was frightened, she laughed.

" talk to your parents about this, the one you trust" she smiles.

" but-but- but they are UNcool.... i mean like who does that?" I frowned.

" me! I talk to my mom.... my dad is sometimes but mostly my mom" she mentions.

" well, not me! They would be like, oh you are too young! Or this or that blah blah blah blah blah!" I shook my head.

" okay thats you! But just so you know.... friends arent real" she reminded me.

I scoffed, " whatever"

" warning you.... so friends show you love and kindness but thats fake later on you will see" she warned.

" i have to go to the truth or dare thing!" i changed the subject. " tag along! We can catch a movie later"

" okay what outfit do you want?" she asked.

" um....something casual..." i shrugged.

She nodded then scanned my closet looking for something good.

" so.... How is Katy?" i came up with a random conversation.

" she is alright...... I went to her house a few times"she said without looking up from my closet.

" okay" i simply answered.

" here ya go!" she handed me the clothes.

it was a white polo shirt ( real polo lol) with blue short jeans and black and white polo shoes. it was cute!

I went in the bathroom and took a quick shower, I dressed in there then went back out. Justice exclaimed after seeing me, she sat me down then did my hair.

She put it in a perfect bun and added clear lip gloss, she adding a bit of mascara and sprayed perfume on me. " man I miss you and katy so much!" I gushed.

" I miss you too!" she hugged me. She grabbed her phone and purse then we were on our way to Brandon house.

" so how is Justin and all?" I questioned while we continued to walk.

" we are alright.... just we have a little break for now" she mumbled the lst part.

" are you kidding me?" I asked shocked.

" nope... the dude is horrible, I might break up with him completely!" she chuckled slightly.

" well, that's him" I shrugged.

" we are here!" I pointed towards Brandon house.

We both walked in, " hello guys this is justice my best friend she is like my sister" I introduced her to them.

Everyone said "hello" to her, she said " hello" back. We all sat down waiting for Mackenzie. " ughhh Brandon be a man!" Mackenzie growled.

" im trying! im trying! you have a lot of girls stuff!" he struggled.

Poor Brandon! :(

" whatever place them down" she pointed in the corner.

He did then she placed a quick peck on his cheeks. I had a shock expression, he blushed slightly. He didn't even recognize justice yet.

We spin the bottle, it landed on............CHLOE!!!! Zoey had to read it, it said:

" I dare you to knock on 5 doors in this neighborhood, then run away"

All of us (except me) said "oooooooooohhhhh"

She giggled then went outside. We all followed her then videotape her, she knocked on one door. it was an elderly lady.

" who is there?" she asked, chloe was hiding.

" im not stupid! I know someone there! oh okay wait right here"

Then she slammed the door, we all let out our laughter. She knocked on the other door two houses away from the first one. It was a Mother who didn't look old, she was in an early age.

"helloooooo????" she looked sideways and didn't see anyone. She shrugged then went inside.

Chloe went to the other house next door, she knocked softly and ran away.

The man shrugged and closed the door.

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