Truth Or Dare: The Fight

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I turned back around and looked at justice, did she just try me? It's going down. I ran right back to her.

"What did you say?" I asked in disbelief.

Katy looked frightened, her plan backfired. Justice was smirking at me, this girl better look in the mirror, because today is her last day until she dies.

"You heard me..... me and brandon are still dating, he didn't tell you that we didn't break up, now did he?" She says mockingly.

I felt like punching her right now, "Brandon wouldn't do that"

She laughed, she really laughed.

"You think a dude like Brandon wouldn't do that! Look at what he had done, he ditched you Nikkei! He left you wholehearted! Twice! Ha.... you are so stupid. Me and brandon are perfect for each other"

That was it. She pushed my buttons, I didn't knew what took over me but I lunged forward and punched her right in the face.

I was breathing hard, Katy was right, I did change and I am glad.

Justice was on floor, holding her jaw in her hand.

"Nikki.... how could you..." She whimpered. The old Nikki would of ran to her and apologize to her countless times. But right now, she deserved it. I don't care if she has to get surgery for her jaw now, I was in my moment.

I walked to her, "got anything else to say?"

And you wouldn't believe what she did next, she laughed so hard and then got up and slapped me.

Now it was time.

I regained my posture, and slapped her right across her face then kicked her in the stomach.

"You are messing with the wrong person" I whispered to her, before punching her in the face.

She couldn't even stand up, but she managed to grab my leg and make me fall.

I fell and hit my head on the hard ground, she punched me repeatedly in my face.

"Don't even ever think about touching again!!!" She yelled.

I found my strength to push her off of me and kick her in the gut.

"Listen justice.... we are over..... o-v-e-r.... OVER!!!" And with that I stomped off.

I was done. I couldn't believe the girl I promised to be best friends with forever, just got in a fight with me.

I'm so sorry, but I have to go back home.

Hey guys, short update... I know, but let me know if you like this please. Goodbye! Goodnight!

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