Truth Or Dare: Brandon Special Suprise

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Brandon P.O.V.

"Do you think I should do that?" I ask Marcus and theo.

"I don't know. It's your choice," Marcus shrugs.

"Yeah, whatever," theo shoos me away, typing away on his phone.

Wondering what me and the boys talking about?

Well, I guess I will tell you. You know when I said there was going to be a prize for the winner of the truth or dare contest?

Well, I was thinking that maybe we all should share the prize together, as friends.

I was pondering over it. I mean, today is Wednesday. And school is on Monday.

No one really won. It's too late to do truth or dare anymore. So I guess this is my only suggestion.

"Do it brandon. If you want," Marcus smiles.

"I don't know. How about the money? How about the tickets? I only got one for that special person," I complain.

It's going to be a lot of money. I don't know what to do.

"We can work something out. How about your grandma drive us? She can rent a van and take us," Marcus mentions.

"Okay. How about the money?" I ask, shaking my head.

"That's the biggest problem. That's a lot of money," Marcus frowns.

I nod my head in agreement. Yeah that is the biggest problem.

"I can help out with your money problem," theo interjects, finally deciding to join the conversation.

"How can you? Do you know how much money that is?" I ask him.

"Don't worry about that. Worry about telling everyone on a short notice. I would start telling them now."

Me and Marcus look at each other.

"Fine, get the tickets by tomorrow! Marcus, you start telling everyone about it. We are leaving tomorrow," I state.

Marcus nods.

"I got to talk to my grandma bettie. Be right back," I told them.

I scurry off to my living room to talk to my grandma bettie.

She was reading a book peacefully. She had on her nightgown, her glasses hung on her nose slightly, and you can hear the soft calm music in the background.

"Grandma?" I call softly, not wanting to startle her.

She turns around with a smile on her face.

"Yes dear?"

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" I ask, taking a seat next to her.

"I think it's going to be more than a minute, my dear," she chuckles. I chuckle also.

"Grandma, I had an idea and I need your help."

"Okay... what is it?" She ask, warily.

"Um... can you take us somewhere? Like far?"

"How far?"


"Okay, sure."

My eyes widen, "really?"

"Yes brandie. I will rent a car tomorrow morning. And we leave on, what, friday?"


She nods before turning around and focusing back on her book.

I did a little happy dance in my head. I skipped up the stairs and back to my room.

Marcus was busy texting the gang and theo was on the phone.

"Yes Linda." He pauses for a moment.

"Me? I don't have feelings for Zoey. We are through."

"Yes Linds. Of course I like you."

"Mhm... I know. Okay babe. Text me?"

"Good, bye babe." And with he hangs up.

I stare at him, like he is nuts.

"What?" He questions. I shake my head before sitting down.

"My grandma said yes," I said.

"I texted everyone and they said yes," Marcus reports. I nod.


As if it is my que, Nikki texts me.


Me: if what is true?

Girlfriend : that we are going to- oh you know what I'm talking about

Me: lol, yes it is true

Girlfriend: I'm so excited! I got to start packing

Me: babe, it's until Friday

Girlfriend: I know. I'm excited. Talk to you later! Bye babe

Me: bye!

I can't wait for Friday.

Last update for the night. One more chapter till this story is done.

Here is the question for the night...

Q: what is your favorite book series?

A: um... I would say...Heroes of Olympus. It's all about Greek mythology. Which is what I love.

Don't forget to,





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