Author Note

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Hello everyone. I am sorry you didn't get to see my update yesterday or 2 days ago but I didn't really have time to do it because I am editing my book. Sorry for that. Also, I received a nasty comment yesterday that really upset me.

It didn't hurt me at all but it makes no sense for a person to write a long boring paragraph offensing my book. If you want to see what this person wrote, it's on top.

First off, everyone seems to like my book and you really had to write that. I took my time and patience working hard.

Second off, I'm not being salty right now, I'm just speaking the truth. And yes, I am exposing this person. If you don't like my book then don't read it. Period. Cause if I see mean comments like that, I will have to report you and I'm not trying to be a snitch. I'm just being honest.

In the comments, tell me what you think about this. And answer this question, do you guys like my book?

Thank so much.

Here it is. Thank you and goodbye.

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