Truth or Dare: I have a vistor

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Nikki P.O.V.

That morning, my mom dropped Zoey home. I was in my room, drawing in my sketch book.

I wasn't in the mood for my mom annoying rants about my attitude last night. I was grounded for two weeks.

Big deal.

Brandon been texting me non-stop.

I read them, but I didn't care. I rolled my eyes everytime my phone vibrated.

Here is a peek at them.

Brandon: Nikki please answer...

Brandon: don't let me go to your house

Brandon: justice told me what she had done. She lied. I broke up with her before you.

Brandon: I miss you

Brandon: you are probably reading this and rolling your eyes

Brandon: I know you are

Brandon: that's it

Brandon: im coming over

Well there you have it...

I didn't mind the last text. I mean, I want him to talk to me in person to explain.

I knew justice had to lie. I mean she is a thirsty jealous little girl.

I continued to sketch in my book. I texted Chloe and told her to come over so we can talk.

She didn't answer, like I expected.

I forced her to leave when she was just recovering from her heartbreak with marcus.

I mean, if someone did that to me, I would've hated you forever. So I understand where she is coming at.

But apparently she doesn't see where I'm coming at.

I had a lot going on in just a day. Katy bringing justice when I told her specifically not to, i got in a fight, grandma miller cut the trip short, I found that my ex boyfriend might've cheated on me, and I had to deal with a angry Chloe on top of that.

You see? All that in one day. I didn't recognize that the door bell been ringing for awhile.

That only meant one thing.

Brandon was here.

Here we go...

I slipped on my slippers and went downstairs.

"I got it!!!" I shouted.

I opened the door, revealing a nervous brandon.

I cleared my throat.

"Oh, Nikki, hey, we got to talk. Can I come in?" He ask, fiddling with his thumbs.

"You sure? Is justice with you too?" I snap. He just sighs.

"Nikki, if you won't let me in, then atleast let's take a walk and talk. We can stop and buy pizza or ice cream. Whatever you want. Just please let me explain," he begs, his brown beautiful eyes pleading.

"Fine, give me five minutes I will be right down. You can come sit on the couch if you like," I told him. He nodded then went inside my house.

He took a seat on the couch and waited patiently. I went up the stairs to my room to change my clothes.

I got my blue jeans and my old black kitty cat shirt. I slipped on my black slippers, grabbing my purse and phone then going to my bathroom.

I combed my hair quickly before shaking water in my mouth and then leaving the bathroom.
I was going down the stairs and saw brandon there, patiently sitting down like the way he was before.

"Lets go." I say before leaving my house.

Short chapter. Cliffhanger. I know you guys want to hear more, but let's wait. Last question for the night.

Q: when is your birthday?

A: May 30th

Yes, my birthday in a few days. I'm so excited. Can't wait!

Don't forget to,





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