Truth or Dare: Crazy

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Nikki P.O.V.

I was on the train, leaning my head against the window. I can't believe that just happened. I got in a fight with my ex best friend. My grandma cut this trip short. I broke up with my cheating ex boyfriend.

That just happened in one day.

I groaned, I sent Brandon a message earlier telling him we are through. I was done being played with. I thought we were going to stay with each other, you know, since we were fine.

But I was wrong..... as usual.

I looked back and saw Chloe and Zoey hugging each other, well more like cuddling.

Chloe been sad for the past few hours. We had to leave Jax behind and they really were hitting it off, you know?

But it was my fault on why they had to break up what ever bond they had. At least they promised to talk to each other everyday, but that's not making any of this better is it?

I tried talking to Chloe, but she just ignored me or shut up out. Zoey gave me sympathetic eyes.

Today was just not my day. Soon we were going to reach, so I had texted my mom to come down to the train station.

"We will be reaching the train station shortly, please get your bags or stuff ready. Reminder: any thing left on the train will be taken as our property. Have a nice night!"

I started getting my bags and stuff ready. I sent my mom a quick text.

Me: you there yet?

Seconds later she replied...

Mom: yup! I'm waiting

Me: okay

I looked out the window hoping we will reach there sooner. I really hate sitting down too long.

The trained stopped a few minutes later. I grabbed my things and got off as quickly as I can.

Zoey and Chloe followed behind me quietly.

I looked for my mom, wondering where she was. But until I heard my name being called, I turned around.

My mom was there, holding a sign saying, "NICOLE JAMIE MAXWELL"

I walked over to her along with Chloe and Zoey.

Once I reached her, she gave me a big hug.

"Hey sweetie," she smiles, "why you came back so early?"

"Don't want to talk about it..." I muttered. My mom nodded.

"Hey girls! Are you spending the night or I'm dropping you off?" My mom ask.

Zoey said will stay the night and leave in the morning. But Chloe had a different response.

"Um... can you drop me home? I'm not feeling well," Chloe said, frowning a bit.

"You sure, it's late and I don-"

"Yes," she stated firmly.

My mom looked at me wearily, like I did something.

"Okay, let's go."

We walked to the car in slience. I put my bags in the back trunk and went in the passenger seat.

It was quiet in the car...

A little too quiet...

This meant....

"Anything I should know about?" My mom asked.

Yup, here we go again....

No one talked.

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