Truth Or Dare: Grandma Miller

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"Nikki wake up....."


I jumped up and rubbed my eyes, trying to get a clearer version of who is waking me up.

It was zoey.

"Yeah?" I ask, my sleepy voice on display.

"We are here....." She says, like it's the most obvious thing ever.

I nod and get up, we exit the train and went to go grab our bags. I got my phone out and texted my mom.

Me: hey mom! We just reached, is grandma Miller coming or we have to call a taxi?

Seconds later she responded.....

Mom: yeah get a taxi! I love you and here is the address for grandma Miller.

Mom: *address*

Me: thanks mom! Bye!

I closed my phone, and then told them we are going to have to take a taxi.

We started walking and looking for a taxi. Then something hit me.

"Guys, I have an idea!!! I can call my old friend, I think his name was...Jason..... No?...... Jax? YES JAX!!!"

I hurried up and called jax. Been a long time since we talked, he is my best friend, but as a boy. When I was feeling down, he would be there helping me, or comforting me.

I love him!

The phone picked up.

"Hello?" He spoke.

"Jax!!! Its me, nikki, your old best friend"

"Hey nikki!!! You don't have to say all of that I know who you are, since the first three words flew out your mouth" he chuckled.

I giggled, "jax I have a huge favor to ask you, can you call your dad to come pick me up and my friends?"

"Where are you guys?"

"At the train station, I am in town, just in case you don't know"

"YOU WERE IN TOWN!!!! WHAT?????!!?"

I laughed, " yes I am, and I need your father to drop me off to my grandma's house"

"Okay, I'm going to ask him right now but tell justice I said hi though"

"Justice isn't here, but I am meeting up with Katy at my grandma house" I say slowly.

"Where is justice? You know your grandma loves her right?"

"I know Jax, I know, but we are having a lot of problems right now, explain to you later, yeah?"

"Yeah, we got to meet up, I am going to stay at your grandma house for 2 days just for you nikki"

I blushed, "okay jax! Hurry up!"

"Oh I almost forgot! Ok nikki I am coming soon, but what's the address to the train station?"

"I will text you it"

"Okay nikki! Bye! See you in a few"

"You too Jaxy"

"You know I hate when you call me that"

"I know, love you! Bye!"


Then we hung up, zoey and chloe looked at me shock.

"What?" I question.

"You just had a 10 minute conversation with a boy, and all you need to do is ask for a favor" chloe says.

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