Truth Or Dare: *Sleepover Part 2*

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We were on our way to Theo house preparing to scare them.

"I can't wait you guys!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see their faces when we scare them," Zoey laughed.

"And we can watch this video everyday even black mail them," I smiled.

We continued laughing about the plan we are doing. Then I saw Brett. He was listening to music while walking and jamming.

He spot me and smiled; me being an idiot I blushed like a tomato. 

He walked up to me,"hey Nikki." 

"Hi," I blushed back.

"Umm, are you up to something?" he raised an eyebrow.

Then I recognized my clothes and the duffel bag. I knew I couldn't tell him I'm out to get somebody, so I have to lie.

"Uhh....just having some girl time with my besties" I lied

He looked at me crazy then accepted my answer.

"Okay... whatever you really up to, have fun doing it!" He smiled.

"Oh we will!" Chloe butt in.

He chuckled lightly, "see ya later!" 

After he was no where to be seen, Chloe asked, "Who is that hottie?"

Of course I blushed.

"Brett," I replied. She squealed so loud I saw some neighbors turn on their lights. 

We finally reached. We hid behind the bush. 

"Okay guys! We are here now.Here is our moment to get revenge; remember don't blow cover, and if they come out, we hide in the bush," i reminded them.

They nodded then we watched to make sure the coast is clear. I saw the boys watching TV. We couldn't go yet before they saw us. There blinds were open, but thank goodness they closed it because they realize it was late.

We went to the back of his house; first we cut the power out. 

"Zoey, turn on the camera," I said.

She started turning it on; we were watching threw the window. I saw all of them freaking out like girls. Ha! Zoey totally got that on tape.

"Chloe, lets go knock on the door and run," I ordered, "Zoey stay here and watch."

This is gonna be awesome!

We went in the front of the house and knocked on the door then ran to hide. I saw Theo open the door; he looked around to see no one then went back inside.

"This is just the beginning!" I smirked. We laughed evily and continued.

"Get the doll out and I mean Annabelle!" I smirked, "Zoe, make sure to record this."

Yup I know its creepy, but its good enough to scare them. I went to the front of the house and brought Annabelle with me; she had this little note in her hand. It said:

"This is me! Watch out, I will haunt you."

Ha! Classic. I knocked on the door and ran away; I hide in the bush waiting for the door to open. 

"This isn't fun-" Theo looked down to see Annabelle.

 He looked frightened; he took the note and read it. After a few seconds, he screamed like a little girl. I wish you can see his face.

He ran inside the house and started telling the guys about Annabelle. I took the doll and ran to the back; it would make him seem paranoid.

Zoey was still video cording this.

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