Truth Or Dare: Dare Part 2

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Me and Brandon continuously played games while everyone was downstairs chatting or sleeping. " so nikki...... how are you and brett?" he asked with a nervous gulp being followed by his reaction.

The thoughts of Mackenzie and brett going back through my head again made me mad, I felt like crushing one of them. Brett used me, he was with Mackenzie this whole time. That jerk! and he apologized to me also, and broke my heart again. Who do he think he is? ughh....... >:(

" we are having issues I guess...." I said quietly. He nodded then changed the subject. " I don't get Mackenzie sometimes" he mumbled while picking up two cards from the deck.

" whats wrong?" I asked with curiousity. " she is so horrible! she don't understand that we are not dating" he rose his voice.

" well try speaking to her, if that don't work tell he straight up that you guys aren't dating" I simply answered.

" I've tried that girl got a stiff scull" he shook his head in disgust.

I laughed at Brandon impression of Mackenzie," i agree " i giggled.

I stopped when i remembered the court paper she gave me, how am i going to tell my parents? they are going to kill me once they find out. I hate that girl! And my conscious, my conscious knew and she didn't say jack! she is horrible!!!! i hate her!

( hi guys its the author, um right now the conscious is going to talk first so yeah it will go back in forth N is nikki and C is the conscious. Just a notice bye!)

C- i am a jerk aren't i?

N- don't even talk to me! you knew this was gonna happen!!!

C- nikki im sorry.... i am a jerk! i cant tell you the future that's for me to know and for you to find out

N- you make me sick! how am i suppose to deal with my parents huh?

C- tell them...

N- im in big trouble because of you....... all this time you knew the good and the bad stuff was gonna happen to me and didn't say a word

C- you will understand eventually, my job is tell you what's good or bad, not the future nikki!

N- okay then what are you doing here? leave me alone!!!

C- okay whatever you want bye nikki but you will regret this but i will be watching you need me more than i need you

N- shut up bye!

C- bye but when you cry don't say nothing

N- whatever bye!

" nikki are you okay?" Brandon ask, " um... Mackenzie gave me a court paper" i blurt out, he gave me a confused look.

" a court paper?" he raised an eyebrow, " yes Brandon, yes, she blamed me for the pranking thing" i buried my hands in my face.

" whoa! let me talk to her like right now and tell her it was a misunderstanding" brandon stood up.

I took him by the wrist before he left, " thank you" i mumbled then left go.

He smiled reassuringly then answered " no problem"

(Mackenzie P.O.V)

" so jess, whatcha think of this dress?" i showed her the fifith time.

" its really pretty after 50 times" she rolled her eyes.

" i know right!" i gushed.

" ooooohh.... Stephanie just texted me the location of the wedding" i smiled brightly at my phone.

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