Truth or Dare: Explanation

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I went inside her room. She followed behind me.

It was mess to say atleast. I mean, her bed was messy, her clothes were scattered all over the floor, her shoes were everywhere. Pure mess.

I took a seat on her chair. She took a seat on her bed.

"Well start talking, you have five minutes," she says, picking at her nails.

"Chloe, don't act like this. We both that had to happen. Give it up already," I scoff. She is acting like a big cry baby.

"Excuse me? This isn't my fault! You should of forgaved justice. If you did, we will still be there and and jax would of been a couple," she sassed.

She did not just say that.

I stood up, "well sorry that me and my problems got in your love life."

"It's too late for sorry anyway. You ruined everything. I could of been happy again, but you ruined it," she snaps, standing up to prove a point.

"Like I said, I'm sorry my problems got in your love life," I sass.

"Whatever..." she mumbles.

"I didn't come here to pick up a fight, I came here to say I'm sorry. I didnt mean to ruin whatever chemistry between you and jax. I just needed to get away from there, not to mention my own grandma kicked me out," I muttered out the last part.

"Sorry won't cut it! You ruined everything! I am so depressed right now, I won't even talk to my own mother!" She shouts at me.


"Well yeah? Your not the only one, so stop acting like it would ya? I have problems of my own. You act like your the only one!" I shout back.

"No I dont! I'm just upset, okay?!" She sighs, ruffling her hair.

"Me too!" I sigh, plopping back on the chair.

It was quiet.

"Your five minutes were been up, you know?" Chloe points out.

I start to giggle, she calmed down.

"Chloe, I'm sorry. But it wasn't my fault. I didn't mean to ruin your life or love life or whatever. Your my best friend no matter what, you know that right?"

"Of course I do, I'm sorry also. Your my best friend to, you know?" She smiles, mocking me.

I laugh before hugging her. We had our moment.

"Well, I guess my mission here is complete. I suggest you talk to your mom, she been worried," I tell her. She nods.

"Bye chloe, text you later."

"Bye nikki."

I exit her room, leaving her house. But I was stopped. Before I can even leave the house, Ms. Garcia says something.

"How is she?" Worry is filled in her voice.

I turn around and smile, "she is good. I told her talk to you. Don't worry."

Ms. Garcia sigh in relief, nodding her head, "thanks nikki. Have a nice evening!"

"You too!" I say, leaving right out the door.

What a day!


I ended up home in ten minutes. It was 7:21 pm.

I was tired.

I sluggishly went up the stairs and into my room. As soon as I saw my bed, I collapsed.

School was coming back in a few weeks again. And let me tell you, I'm not happy.

This whole summer been only drama.

Drama here, drama there.

I never had time to relax and just think. And now, school is coming.

Things are just getting better and better.

This was a long day. Ugh!

Back to school shopping soon, uniform shopping, etc.

Just thinking about it, makes me so... nauseous.

Oh well. I guess I will just sleep on it.


Final update for the night. Well, I have some good news and bad news. Let's start with bad.

Bad news: this story is coming to a end. *boo!*

But hey! We still got good news.

Good news: I'm making an another story.


I will give more details at the end of the story.

Thank you and goodnight!

Don't forget to,





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