Truth Or Dare: The Trip

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I got up, from the sound of my phone ringing.  I tapped chloe and zoey, and urged them to get ready.

I saw a number, it was unknown, I furrowed my eyebrows wondering who will be calling me this fine morning. I called the number back and waited for the person to answer.

On the 2nd ring, they answered.

"Hello?" The voice said. I was confused. Was this brandon?

"Brandon? Is that you?" I ask, making sure I was right.

"Yes it is.... And please don't hang up! I need to talk to you" his voice was urgent and filled with desperateness.

"What is it brandon?" I snapped. But then again this dude did so much to hurt me. I don't even care how hurt he is.

"Nikki..... I am so sorry!!!!" He started crying. I was shock. He was actually crying.

"Brandon what's wrong?" I ask, my voice filled with concern all of a sudden.

"I did so many horrible things nikki, justice told me. She told me to choose against her and my friends. I'm freaking out, I just needed someone to talk to and you were the right person! Gosh I need you nikki" he expresses.

I was shocked, I mean yeah this is unexpected, but it seem like he is telling the truth.

"How can I trust you brandon? You broke my heart numerous times how can I forgive you?" I croak. I was so emotional right now.

"Nikki, lets meet up today" he randomly announces.

"I can't.... I'm leaving today, I have to be their at 9:30 am the train leaves at 10" I say, feeling sad.

I heard shuffling on the other line, " I am coming now! See you in a few!" Then the line went dead.

I heard the bathroom door open, and I was greeted by chloe. She was drying her hair. I felt my eyes sting, I was going to cry. I felt salty water go in my mouth. Making me sob endlessly. Chloe ran to me and gave me a big hug.

"What's wrong? Nikki? Are you okay? What happened?" She ask. I push her away and run in the bathroom.

What a way to start a morning!

I took a shower, letting all my feelings out.

He can't just do that! I mean realize at this moment. When I'm leaving?!?! I sigh and turn off the shower.

I go get my clothes and go back to the bathroom. I overheard chloe telling zoey about  my breakdown. Seconds later, they knocked on the door.

"Nikki......?" Zoey called, "come out, we can talk now"

I was ready, and opened the door. Both my best friends with concern eyes.

"Brandon called me" I blurted out. They had confusion expressions, but chloe own turn to a angry one.

"That doof! Making you cry like that!!!" Chloe says angrily, she grabbing her phone  real quickly.

"He didn't do anything to hurt me!" I say quickly, "he just called out of the blue saying he needs me and all making me cry"

Her face softened a bit, thank goodness I said something because chloe isn't playing when she says she will kick your butt.

"Well, are you okay now? I mean what does he want to talk about?" Zoey ask, genuinely concerned.

I shrug, "I don't know why..... But he did and he is coming over before I leave, like right now"

They nod and went back to doing what they were doing. I sighed and went downstairs to make some breakfast, bringing my bag along. I put it by the door.

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