Truth or Dare: Sorry

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Nikki P.O.V.

Wow brandon, smooth move.

Note the sarcasm.

He just kissed me and ran away. That's nice. I went up to my room a few minutes ago, still thinking about the kiss I shared a while ago.

One thing that kept flashing in my head was that how brandon is a good kisser.

I mean, they felt soft and warm. They were so soft that I would kiss him all day.

When he kissed me, I felt like I was in heaven.

I forgot all my problems, even my name!

It's crazy!

I was drawing in my sketchbook to take my mind off of everything.

But it didn't work much. At least I tried.

I slammed my sketchbook close and decided to watch some TV.


That show always cheers me up.

I go to Nickelodeon to see if spongebob is on. But the universe isn't on my side today. Sadly you know what that means....

No Spongebob!

I groan and shut off the TV. This is just great. I get up and walk over to my closet. I rather take a walk to the park and read a book there.

If me and my besties were on speaking terms, then I would of skipped over to there house today. We could spent the whole day goofing around and telling secrets.

But like I said, the universe isn't on my side today.

I honestly missed Chloe. She was the crazy one out of us. I missed how she used to give me advice on boys, or how she would threaten to kick Brandon butt.

It was fun!

But now she won't even look at me. Ugh!

Then suddenly something clicked in my mind. I can go over to Chloe house and apologize. Yes that's a great idea!

I grab my clothes and shoes and hurried to get dress. Once I finished, I got my phone and purse then rushed out my room door.

But of course, some brat had to come in my way.

"Stop it right there!" Brianna said, dressed in a police way uniform.

"Move it you brat! I have a place to be and a person to see!" I snapped.

Brianna squinted her eyes at me, "where are you going, missy?"

OMG!!! If she doesn't move now, things are going to get ugly.

"Out. That's all you need to know. Now move so I can go!" I said, trying to walk past her, but she kept blocking me.

"I'm sorry miss, but I have to give you a ticket. No trespassing!" Brianna says, taking out a notepad and pen.

"Excuse me? First of all, do you know what trespassing is? And second of all, this is a free country, I can go anywhere I want. Now move before I call mom. I will give you 3 seconds."

"For that missy, I'm adding extra to your bill," Brianna said, rolling her eyes.

"1," I started.

"Here is your ticket, I expect it to be paid by tomorrow."

"2," I counted

"And if not payed by tomorrow, you will be sent to court, thank you! You may continue."

"3," I finished.

Brianna was moved aside already, waiting for me to go.

"Bye, you brat!" I spat at her, before rushing down the rest of the steps.

I looked at the 'ticket' she gave me before crumbling it and throwing it on the floor. Apparently, she caught me because she shouted something.

"Littering! Littering is against the law. You will ha-"

I shut the door before she can finish. I really have no time for Brianna.

I make my way over to Chloe house. I'm really excited but then again I'm really scared at the same time.

What was I going to say? How will she react? Does she even want to see me?

All those thoughts were jumbled up in my head. I didn't even realize I rung the doorbell.

Ms. Garcia answered the door.

"Well, hello Nikki. How are you?" Ms. Garcia asked. I smiled.

"I'm fine Ms. Garcia. Is chloe home?" I ask, kindly.

Ms. Garcia started to hesitate before answering, "yes she is."

But before I can ask to come inside she quickly added, "but she wants no company."

I frowned slightly. That's weird.

"Um, please? This is important," I plead.

Ms. Garcia sighed, "talk to her please. She been ignoring everyone. I don't know what went on at that trip you guys went to, but it must of been bad if she is not talking to anyone. Fix it."

I nod my head fast, before slipping inside.

I went up to Chloe room and knocked. I heard groaning on the other side of the door.

"Mom... I'm fine. Please leave me alone...please I beg of you."

Wow, okay.

I hear the door open and Chloe looks startle to see me.

After a few moments of silence she talks.

"What are you doing here? I told my mom no visitors," Chloe snaps.

Okay, first, watch the attitude.

"Sorry that me coming here is a problem. But I didn't come here to bother you; I came here to apologize. Problem?" I snap back.

Instead of saying something, Chloe moves aside.

"You got five minutes."

And that's it! Sorry I haven't updated, been busy. Summer is here! Yay!!! Time for us to kick back and relax.

Question for the.... well night,

Q: how many siblings you have?

A: I have six siblings. Two sisters. And three brothers.

This is an extra one for me updating late.

Q: what are three words you would call name yourself?

A: creative, beautiful, and smart.

Don't forget to,





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