Truth or Dare: Talking

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Nikki P.O.V

Me and Brandon have been walking next to each other without saying a word.

It was like we didn't know how to start the conversation or what to say or do.

It was really awkward.

Brandon finally cleared his throat, "um... can we talk now?"

Wow. That's what he got to say. That's not how you start a conversation.

"Wow. That's a nice way to start," I say sarcastically.

"Nikki, I want to go straight into it. I don't want to start off slow. Let's just get to the point."

I nod. He has a point.

"Justice lied, you know? I didn't cheat on you. I don't understand why you believe her, I mean she hates your guts," Brandon said.

I roll my eyes, "I know, but I was in the heat of the moment. She got to me," I say, shrugging my shoulders.

"And you believe her."

"Brandon, oh please, if you were in my position you would of known."

"Nikki, are you even okay?" Brandon ask, observing me.

"I'm fine, just not in the mood," I grumble.

"You are not fine. Things are bugging you; I can see it. Please talk to me, open up," he pleads.

I take a huge breath. I don't know what to do. These moments are my tuff ones. Everything been bothering or irritating me.

I can't stand everything. If you touch me, then I will explode on you. Any little thing.... just gets me aggravated.

"Please... just talk to me. You will burst out on any one who comes in your way. Just talk to me."

I guess I can't keep this in me forever.

"Okay, fine. But let's grab something to eat, I'm not in the mood for ice cream or pizza. Let's go to Moby's," I suggest.

We both nod and make our way there.

"Nikki, just so you know, I didn't cheat on you. Please don't ever listen to justice. She is just jealous I like you instead of her. Did you really believe her?" He ask, looking at me for any emotion.

Did i?

I mean, I know justice little games. But did I actually believe her.

"No I didn't, but it got me mad. I'm sorry brandon, we can still date if you want?"

Brandon smiled, "of course."

We reached Moby's and quickly went inside to order.

After our order, and debating who will be paying, we took a seat.

"Talk." Was the first thing that came out of brandon mouth.

"Brandon, i-i-I don't even know what to say. Things been crazy. Chloe is mad at me. Zoey thinks I should apologize. Justice is getting on my nerves. Katy is... I don't know. I told her that she was wrong for this mess. My grandma...." I trailed off on that part.

I felt my vision get blurry, I was going to cry.

Brandon put his hand on top of mine, in a comforting way.

"My own grandma kicked me out, telling me that she was going to cut this trip short. It hurts a lot brandon," I sob.

I didn't realize I was crying until I saw a tear drop on the table.

"It's okay..... calm down nikki... it's okay," brandon coos.

I wipe my tears with the back of my hand, "it's not okay. I don't know what to do. It's like....crazy."

Brandon sighed, "look, nik-"

"Order up for Brandon...?" The waitress called out.

"That's me!" Brandon raised his hand.

The girl walked over to our table, smiling at brandon.

"Here you go sir, enjoy! And if you need anything, I will be right there," she winked and walked away.

I stared at her in disgust, how can you hit on a fourteen year old?

"Yeah, as I was saying, calm down nikki. You can fix it. All you have to do is apologize. Tell chloe you are sorry and zoey. Tell Katy you are sorry for your behavior. And justice.... forgive her."

I froze, "forgive her? The one who ruined my summer. Forgive her? The one who put our relationship on the line. Forgive her? The one i am crying about now. Forgive her?"


"No, never, nada, I am not doing it. I rather get fed to the pigeons," I shook my head.

"Nikki...." Brandon breathed out.

"Brandon...." I mocked.

"Don't make this harder than it already is, just do it!" He groaned.

"I don't want to..." I whined.

"Too bad. Life is not fair."

"Ughh!" I groaned," I will do. Just not now."


We ate our chicken and fries in slience.

"Let's go, it's getting late," Brandon says.

"Yeah," I agreed.

We left the place and walked back to my house in slience.

Once we reached, we stopped at my front door.

"This is your stop," brandon says nervously, brushing his bangs from his eyes.

"Yeah," I say awkwardly.

It was quiet.

"Um, well, bye brandon. Text you tomorrow?" I say, breaking the slience.

"Yeah. Bye nikki," he says, turning around and walking away.

"Bye brandon." I wave.

I go inside my house, before leaning against the door.

I sigh.

Seconds later I hear the door bell again.

I opened the door to see brandon

"Brandon, are yo-"

Before I can finish my sentence, I felt his lips on mine. I was too stunned to even kiss back.

He pulled back, "bye nikki."

He rushed away leaving me in my thoughts.

What just happened?

Yay! Finally a update. Oooh tragic. Let's see what awaits us in the chapter.

Question for the day.

Q: what do i do during my free time?

A: it's either, reading, writing, or wattpad. Sometimes I play games, for example... fun run 2. I love that game!

Don't forget to,





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